Had some awesome rides out your way this year but think its all done for now in less weather changes.But first ride of year will be the Slimmy Crud in May.Hope you you ride with us![up]
May 6TH 2012 Slimmy Crud . Who's in ? Its a big year for me Jr's taking his drivers course now so he will be going on the run Looking forward to it.Hope too see some old friends and maybe make some new ones.[up]Meet @ Star Bucks again maybe?
I thought everyone was meeting at your house and you were serving breakfast at 7am. To all buell riders.I am also looking forward to this run. if the weather is ok im in.
I have a dumb phone but when I get time will post West Town Madison WI Star Bucks address . KOol to see few new names.Having breakfest before dose sound good.