I'm shopping around for a new helmet and I'm really digging the streetfighter helmets (black), but I stumbled across a carbon red JoeRocket that would match the cherry bomb perfectly. Do you guys think it's overkill to have matching gear?
Yeah, I knew that those were going to be the responses i get.[smirk] It seems that almost everyone chooses black. It's frustrating with the number of choices out there.
I guess the correct question should have been, what do you all take into consideration when choosing a helmet?
...Now if I could only find a Buell helmet, Buell jacket, and Buell gloves
Ok sorry on a serious note I always research the helmets on the net for reviews the carbon ones are nice since they are tipically lighter. The big thing I look for is one that has reviews for being quiet, wind noise drives me nuts, The pic of the one you posted looks pretty cool with the bike.
when looking for a helmet style does play a factor but after safety ratings (Snell or ECE)
aerodynamics and weight are also important to me. wind noise is less important because of how loud my bike it but airflow and defogging are also very important and they seem to be inversely related to wind noise.
a removable liner is a must as is a double D ring retention system, because I hate those buckles clips and ratchet systems.
I like everything to match, assuming that means everything is black. I don't care if people match their bikes or not, but people usually look goofy if they're riding a blue bike in all yellow gear. It just looks like they got on someone else's bike. I always just buy a lot of black/gray gear, that way it'll match whatever bike I have at that time. Helmets I usually end up repainting anyway.