Issues with getting new tires balanced

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Sep 19, 2016
So I got a new set of Dunlop Q3's and brought them to my buddy who is a mechanic at the local Honda shop. He was able to mount the tires but not balance them because of the sprocket and rotors I believe he said. I'm just wondering how you guys get yours balanced? Thanks
I used this tool

and two chairs

My tool had a set of weights in the box, but if there are no weights you have to buy weights also.

I also used these weights

and these weights


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Great info guys.Good looking fat tire TPEHAK. I notice you have the weights on the rotor side which is the left side. The manual asks for them to be on the right side. But, the picture in the manual also shows the weights on the rotor side. I'm confused, can someone explain that?Screenshot_2016-10-29-11-34-51.jpg
a few pointers and suggestions on balancing.
1-very inexpensive bearing controlled manual balancers on ebay. no-mar makes a great one on the cheap.
2-buell wheels can be balanced with or without the pulley/rotors installed. makes no difference although i will add that i for one ALWAYS BALANCE them with rotor/pulley installed be it front or rear.
3-when mounting any tire to any XB wheel observe the inner portion of the wheel PRIOR TO mounting new tire. you will see a large dab of colored paint on the inner wheel portion. typically light blue or cream colored or white. approx. the size of a quarter. that is the balancing reference mark. it is the lightest degree point of the wheel. the balance dot on the new tire ALWAYS IS POSITIONED exactly 180 degrees away from that mark. makes a huge difference in the amount of weight required.
I fill both my tires with Ride On Tire Sealant. The compound coats the periphery of the tire when the tire spins at speed. As the tire wears the compound shifts and auto balances the tire constantly. Also, if you get a puncture in the tire it will seal it so you can get home.
I position the red mark of the tire near the valve stem.
i posted up correct balancing procedure for all XB/1125 wheels both front and rear along with tips on what to look for and how it's done. your method is incorrect typically resulting in excessive weights required.
I am having a new tire put on later this wk in the front, it currently has the original on, going with a Michelin Pilot Road 3 Front Tires from Revzilla. any tips I should know ?? thx
This sh!t will balance your tires and plug a puncture that is towards the middle of the tire. No balancing weights needed. I'm using it on my second set of tires, perfect balance every time.