it never fails! race ecm....i used ecmspy

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2014
I should have never messed with ecmspy...hence the reason for buying a race ecm from buell racing to begin I plug it in, and tried the tps reset with ecmspy...runs like crap, wont I google. now I read that the new race ecms don't work with ecmspy and that it corrupts the map.....
is this true? do I need to send the ecm back to buell to have it reprogrammed? and then bring the bike to the dealer...I emailed them tonight but they are closed for the weekend. just wondering what my options are...I want to get it back asap so I was thinking of sending it tomorrow and then contacting buell about the situation so they know whats wrong when they receive it.

I put the stock one back in and it runs like it used its def the race ecm.
any ideas....thoughts...
I have the ebr ecm and have no problems what year bike you have? I use ecmspy on it I have 07 firebolt. I use it to just reset tps and afv if needed and do not touch the maps .
What version of ECMSpy are you using, and what procedure did you follow? I believe the older, unsupported versions of ECMSpy only had a "reset TPS" button and did not have the window with the TPS reset instructions like the newer versions of ECMSpy for Mono.

**In any case, for 2007 and earlier models, the TPS reset procedure sends a command to the ECM, and the ECM updates the EEPROM with the new reset voltage value, so ECMSpy does not touch the maps and would not have corrupted them for that procedure!

Before sending it back, you can do the same TPS reset procedure with Tunerpro RT, though I wouldn't expect any different results than with ECMSpy if the process is done properly. A complete guide to installing Tunerpro and for performing the TPS reset procedure is available from
I wouldn't say it's the computer or ecms fault, but quite possibly user error and not fully backing off the tps screw and resetting
I have a 07 and the ecmspy I used was just the button....I def did it the way its on youtube....
in the vid is not correct should set tps to degress not % , I set mine to 5.5 degress start bike let bike run and get to op temp you want cold start enrichment to be at 100 or below then adjust idle . I adjust idle to 5.1 % and 4.6 degress should idle around 950 to 1000. You mite want to put your afv at 120 and it will come in on it's own.
If it's that popular youtube video here, the written and spoken procedure is correct (well, the target temperature for idle RPM adjustment is actually 160 C for year 2007). That video does say degrees, not percentage. But yes, the guy stops at 5.5 percentage, not degrees, so definitely worth checking which you did!

I will stress that it is very important that the throttle butterfly plate be completely closed when performing the TPS reset. If it was even slightly open, the bike could run poorly.

Sorry you are having issues...
yeah, that's the video.....well, as long as the ecmspy doesn't mess with the map, ill give it another shot.

one thing I noticed from the video was that the cps signal says zero and its green...while mine said 5 and was red

your right! I did 5.3 degrees....son of a goose egg!
ow I read that the new race ecms don't work with ecmspy and that it corrupts the map.
das ist eine dreckige lüge, die von ebr verbreitet wird, um ecmspy zu diskreditieren.
Well it kinda worked. Now after I do the reset. It idles and then the engine light comes on and starts idling rough then dies
Had this happen to me on my 09... Had to take it for an 15-30 minute ride in the 3k rpm range so the ecm could learn.
Well 14 should be temp sensor as far as I know.... See if its plugged in or if u popped a fuse or even possibly a wire?
A problem with the Engine Temperature sensor could cause it to run poorly. Did you hear the fan come on when it was idling and/or died?
i think I found it....its right on top of the engine....little black butt connector....I hope...that was pulled apart
The only way to know your bike is to work threw the problems. Sometimes it's fun other times a little pain in the ass, but you will know the bike well.
I guess! Lol. It still is idling rough. But it's running. Now I read u should do the reset when the engine is warmed up. So I have to borrow my brothers laptop again and try it again!