It was my turn to crash today!

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Note to readers: make sure your riding buddies can count quicker than this.

Loki: your headlight is out.

Gee, you even worried the kid.

After my slideout, my wife is looking at my Buell Owns the Corners shirt with a smirk, "Guess you didn't own that one."
i dont know, man. a few observations....first off....i agree with they all just cruise past? that just seems ******* wrong.
and then, if my tire breaks traction, and slides out on me due to certain conditions, i pull my ******* horns in until conditions improve. i DO NOT continue to push it when i already had an indicator that conditions are iffy.
all said and done, it is your ass; do what you want. but there are a few things here that give me pause. i am glad you are o.k..
Only two people drove by. I was in the ditch already, kinda out of the way. Conditions on this road werent as bad as the last.

One rider you see go by (with the suzuki) knew how to count and found me less then a min after i went down. Everyone else... ya they forgot how to count. So on that note, make sure you have at least ONE person who knows how to count and react fast.

So i was found less then a min by one rider who knows how to act(he was even the one who was in front of everyone, he turned around to check on everyone cause he was so fast ahead). Everyone else got there in about 3 mins i would say.

We were riding a very diverse group. 2 amazing rider, 2 good riders, one new rider, and a rider with a passenger. So we were spread out and everyone was taking it at their own pace (expect me).
I make it a habit to check after every turn and once my friends fall back enough i wait till i see headlights, if its been more then 10 20secs, i turn around.

Im not afraid to ever go riding with these guys again. I trust them and they were looking out, but the more you have and the bigger the diversity, the harder it can become to check on everyone. Thats why im glad we had one who knew how to count, even tho i was ok. I even see my friend pass me but i was ok so i decided to let him go on by until he realized i wasnt there. Lessons learned.

Besides check out this lean
yo man i know you said not to critique it but.... you need to come up with a better riding buddy system.
you went off the road at the 3:26 mark and dude on the duck ended up stopping 21 sec after that at the 3:47 mark and then homeboy on the yamaha caught up to the duck at the 4:05 mark. most people would think....
there was a bike between us.... where in the hell did he go? but noooo i want to ride another 3 and a half more minute before it clicks that your gone.
that's bullsh-t.. bullsh-t.. buuuuulllllsh-t he owes you some beer and some wrench time to help fix your bike. if not the motorcycle gods will be pissed off at him.
i wasnt there, so i cant say. i can say that someone just riding by makes me very uncomfortable. i cant imagine not noticing...but i wasnt there.
you are a big boy and you can make your own decisions. if you are comfortable with it all i guess that is what matters.
Old MX rule: you're going your fastest the moment before you crash.

Thats 2 turns before i went off. So it wasnt the fastest i went :p

yo man i know you said not to critique it but.... you need to come up with a better riding buddy system.
you went off the road at the 3:26 mark and dude on the duck ended up stopping 21 sec after that at the 3:47 mark and then homeboy on the yamaha caught up to the duck at the 4:05 mark. most people would think....
there was a bike between us.... where in the hell did he go? but noooo i want to ride another 3 and a half more minute before it clicks that your gone.

I fully agree, if he seen the cbr go by he shoulve turned around. Im just looking at it from a lessons standpoint and hope everyone that was riding with knows better now to keep watch. We were doing good the whole ride checking on everyone. But i suppose he just wanted to hit this road hard and enjoy himself and not have to worry about anyone else.

If i drank beer i would tell him he owes me one.

I just hope it sets in to my best friend that he didnt pay attention. He drove right by me like i said.

When i ride with my smaller groups every turn or two i check and will slow down till i see them come out of the turn. If i dont i turn around. For the major part of the group this ride, it didnt happen. Only one person turned around to check on everyone. He was there under a min, and if i was really hurt, he couldve been the reason i survived.

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