Only two people drove by. I was in the ditch already, kinda out of the way. Conditions on this road werent as bad as the last.
One rider you see go by (with the suzuki) knew how to count and found me less then a min after i went down. Everyone else... ya they forgot how to count. So on that note, make sure you have at least ONE person who knows how to count and react fast.
So i was found less then a min by one rider who knows how to act(he was even the one who was in front of everyone, he turned around to check on everyone cause he was so fast ahead). Everyone else got there in about 3 mins i would say.
We were riding a very diverse group. 2 amazing rider, 2 good riders, one new rider, and a rider with a passenger. So we were spread out and everyone was taking it at their own pace (expect me).
I make it a habit to check after every turn and once my friends fall back enough i wait till i see headlights, if its been more then 10 20secs, i turn around.
Im not afraid to ever go riding with these guys again. I trust them and they were looking out, but the more you have and the bigger the diversity, the harder it can become to check on everyone. Thats why im glad we had one who knew how to count, even tho i was ok. I even see my friend pass me but i was ok so i decided to let him go on by until he realized i wasnt there. Lessons learned.
Besides check out this lean