Jet kits? Lowering kits?

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Jun 16, 2010
Looking to buy a Blast for my g/f to ride. the seller says it needs rejetted as it has a Jardine on it and won't start. I know nothing about Buell or HD carbs, are there jet kits anywhere for this thing?

The Blast is low, and the girl is short, is there a way to lower the rear of the bike a few inches? I figure I can slide the fork tubes up in the triple clamps. the girl can tough on both sides, just not flat footed.
Putting an exhaust on a bike shouldn't keep it from starting, especially if it still has the original air filter. All it should do is make the bike pop a bit in higher rpms. Does he have the stock pipe? Tell him to swap the pipe back so it'll run right, and you can sort out the jetting later. If it won't start at all I think there's something else going on, and he's just using the exhaust as an excuse. It's probably just in need of a carb cleaning, but you never know.

It might be a little more work to lower the front end as well. It's easy to slide forks on sportbikes with clipons because there's nothing blocking the forks, but on the blast you'll have the handlebars going right over the fork tubes where they come out of the triples. You can see what I mean in this picture. If you slid them up any more than an inch or so they'll just hit the handlebars. You could put some handlebar risers on the bike though to get around that.

its probley the carb boot. they're hard to start and wont idle when they get dry rotted. common problem. you could just get a low seat also. my wifes has the corbin seat on her blast which is lower. she is 5-2 and cant quite flatfoot mainly because the seat in so wide. i think with the buell low seat it would be a little easier to touch cause its narrower
Ok, thanks. I looked on ebay and saw jet kits for ~$50.

I also need to find a carb bowl, seller's son broke it trying to take it off to change jets. (I think.)

My gf is 4'11", a short ****. :D
Got the bike to the house and found that the carb boot was torn almost halfway around, so I wrapped the whole thing in duct tape and put it back together. I also bypassed the side stand switch which I probably shouldn't have done. Well, it started and ran with duct tape around the boot. I've got a new one on order now.
It looks like he used some epoxy to put it back together. He thinks a harley carb could be used in place, but I don't want to cobble something together. Duct tape lasted long enough for a couple hot laps around the yard, so I ordered a new boot from buellparts, a little under $30 with tax and shipping. I also bypassed the sidestand switch since that as the first thing I thought of.