Just doesnt feel "right"

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
Orlando Florida
I went down a few weeks ago and had to replace my left side controls.. I replaced my O2 and IAT sesnsors.. but something just doesn't "feel" right.. I cant put my finger on it. Its very subtle.. just feels like a slight loss of power somewhere... anybody ever feel that way? I wonder what it is..??
actually it was almost a quart low on oil.. I added oil and it got a tad better but something is wrong somewhere. Where is a good place to start? Check the plugs maybe? What should I look for? Whats a common problem with XB and plugs?
Spark plugs are very common, but I think we need a little better description of the power lose. What rpm? Miss? Have you had the TPS reset? What year is the bike?
Based on your description i think it could be all in your head. Everyone gets like that after repairs to a bike. I have gone through that alot everytime i went down, your bike will never feel the same till you get use to it in the coming months.
Its an 04.. Throttle position seem right to me. Loki may be right, the bike just seems noisier and slower.. it could be all in my head. Feels like Ive lost maybe 1-2 horsepower..
I checked my primary chain tension and it was loose.. I put that back into spec and its shifting great.. It just feels "rougher" in the engine department across the rpm range.. but its very SLIGHT.. It could be in my head. By the speedo, its still lightning fast.. it just feels "different" somehow..
I think I figured it out,.. the day I went down due to hitting that cat, I was only 2 min into my ride and I had just put the snorkel back in the intake.. then I got it all back together and rode it only a short distance on cool days .. it stayed in the closed loop I guess.. then I refreshed my sensors,, again just short hops a few miles each time.. I guess I haven't ridden it enough at normal temperature for my race ecm to adjust the fuel map to that snorkel and those new sensors?

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