SO I got the Forcewinder yesterday, decided to remove the breadbox and everything else to get an early start for tomorrow since the sun was setting.
breadbox, gone. everything gone, organized and put away. I opened the Forcewinder box to take a look and make sure I had everything, looks like it is all there, but then I took a look at the instructions. Immediately I was confused. Not only were the instructions poor at best, but the images attached were the worst I had ever seen. I can't even tell what parts I am looking at in the images. I am wondering if they ran out of ink while printing or just figured I would know what I was doing.
Needless to say, I have no idea what sequence the parts should be installed and have resorted to looking up images on google of those who posted shots of an X1 with a forcewinder.
need help,
anyone with a FI forcewinder installed in their bike, if you could please post an image of what it is supposed to look like installed, that would help me out greatly.