So Eric Buell invented the v-twin engine Hey?
hell no but he made it into a BETTER V-Twin !
this is my own quote on buells, as I have said this many times before!
the engine may have begun its poor little (fat) life as a harley, but thank the motorcycle Gods for
ERIK BUELL, he adopted & saved this engine(& many like it) & now it's all grown up & full of Pure High Performance BUELL Muscle !!!!
..............................................................................a qoute from another Bueller,
"This is my Buell. There are many like it but this one is mine.
My Buell is my best friend. It is my life.
I must master it as I must master my life.
Without me, my Buell is useless. Without my Buell I am useless.
I must ride my Buell true.
I must corner harder than my enemy, who is trying to pass me.
I must shoot the apex before he stuffs me.
I will.
Before Erik I swear this creed: my Buell and myself are defenders of the Twisties,
we are the Masters of our rice-riding enemy, we are the saviors of my Sanity.
So be it, until there is no Whine, but only Thunder.
--Gunnery Sergeant HartBuelly