actually don't see anything really wrong and i can't say that froggy was wrong in his answers...although it was edited so i might be missing the original?
i do understand the money issue you're trying to bring across, bright, but we have a saying around here that i can't translate...comes down to that every experienced specialist deserves his paycheck.
if you do a job that you take pride in, you'll do a good job at it and be happy to associate your name with that job/product.
money needs to be spent to keep the economy growing and developers need money to be able to perform their job and provide you with the parts you want/need.
as for the programming, you don't know how well your machine is running till you ride a better running one.
you can do all the mods without programming your ecm and you may feel nothing wrong but are actually doing alot of things that aren't right.
a pre-made map can not fit everyones bike, there are too many outside influences that play a part in a good running bike. even a fine-tune on a standard bike already helps alot in how your personal bike runs.