K&N Filter ?

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2012
Royse City Tx
Just installed a new K&N filter, and the Uly had black smoke out the exhaust for several minutes after I started it. Not familiar with K&N filters as this is the first time I installed a new one, Is this common? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I have not rode the bike since doing the maintenance, and was wondering if with this level of maintenance if it would be good to do a TPS reset or some other procedure? Or when recharging the Air filter do not add as much oil to the filter as when it was new?
I speculate that K&N AF's come pre-oiled and think that maybe initially it has less air flow until you run it for a while?
Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I also installed New plugs, NGK Iridium dcpr9eix, as well as changed the oil, added thermal barrier from Home Depot under the Air Box?
I did the TPS reset procedure, it starts fine with no smoke. It already had a K&N filter in it when I bought it. I bought another one because I did not want to miss out on riding time waiting for it to dry. The old K&N is still very wet and its been almost 11 hours, too long not to be able to ride.

How often are you supposed to clean/recharge the K&N filter? or how often does it need to be cleaned? The old paper filters is what I am used to and used the light shine test, if not enough light goes through it I changed it. The old K&N had plenty of light going through it, but it was not as red as the new one, I guess an indicator is that it is drying out and it is not as bright red as it should be, it is time to recharge it?
Yes , I would recharge it and I clean mine every year weather it needs it or not so I know it is good and ready to go, but that is me and not everyone does that .
Black smoke from the exhaust is a sign of the engine running too rich, too much fuel, not enough air. It will take alittle while for the O2 sensor to adjust the fueling to compensate and lean the mix back to Stoich. I observed the same with my XB12 when installing a K&N. I personally feel the Uni filter flows better than the K&N and would be a better bet for the surface area the filter has and the small displacement of the engine. The K&N filters the air better, but restricts air in the process. As the cotton dries out, the air flow increases, however, the filtering ability decreases. Just my opinion.