Keeps dying on start up.

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
Well i put a new pipe on my bike. Now every time i start it if it has not run in a while it ends up dying or running really ruff when its idealing. I am thinking it needs a tps reset just not 100% sure? Any help would be awesome. Also if thats what it is about how much does the HD shop charge to reset it?
You need a TPS reset for sure. It is cheaper to buy the cable, dowload the program and do it yourself. What other mods have you done to your bike?
its a 04 with the new airbox and of corse the pipe. And yeah i know but its more of a time issue not cost i need it done by thursday going on a several day ride during spring break
If you have a PC you can buy the cable and download the ECMspy program here. or you buy the cable on ebay. With the newer air-box and exhaust you're going to need to bump up the fuel on your maps for your bike to run right and that is something a dealer can't do. You will have to either buy a race ECM or do the fuel map changes in ECMspy.
If you haven't reprogrammed your ECU after those mods, you're probably running lean. If it's been cold in your area lately, that will also make your bike run leaner on startup.

You'll want to adjust your AFV settings and fatten up your fuel maps, as well as the TPS reset.

You can do it yourself with ECMSpy and the cable, or find someone close to you who knows what they're doing.

Where are you located?

Good luck!

....its more of a time issue not cost i need it done by thursday going on a several day ride during spring break
If timing means more than the money, then yeah, you'll probably have to take it to the stealership to have the TPS reset done to be sure that you're on the road before Thursday. I doubt you could even find and buy all the components to make yourself a cable in that amount of time.
With the mods you have on your bike it's not going to run right with a TPS reset alone. Running that lean and constantly riding for several days you are risking major engine damage.
Texas. And its not really running that lean and it was about 70 when i put the pipe on. I went and had it reset. it ideals now. only $30 at the dealership so could have been worse but anyway i am going to re program it to get it to run better soon. just dont have the time right now and dont really know what to change the stuff too. I dont really want to buy a wide band.
Don't get wrong it is ideal to have a wide-band O2 while tuning but if you could find someone with the same bike and mods you could use there fuel numbers and you would be better of than running a lean bike.