Lay your gear on the table

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2020
Nova Scotia
So we all drive. We all like our bikes. And I love my buell more each day I ride it. And find it harder to jump on my cruiser. But I'll never let it go. But show me what you got lay your guns down. I really enjoy shooting too. So here it is I'm laying it down. My junks out for all you to see
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I do share you enthusiasm about shooting but there are far to many liberals on here to post those pictures. I would pull the pictures befor the gun grabbing nanceys screen shot them for future use. Nice guns by the way.
I'd be down for a gun pic thread for the guns I might own. Allegedly:anonymous: It seems safe enough to do on any gun forum, why not here?

The general rule we should follow for everything is: If you don't like it, don't click it.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. By responding to something you don't like, you are choosing to be offended. That is not my problem. It is yours.
Trucks cars motorcycles and guns oh my.... The people who like internal combustion have interested beside two wheels. A thread for some of us to discuss trucks so we can carry our motorcycle once in a while (like buying a basket case ) or helping a friend would be ok. Now a gun thread where we discuss how we hunt or defend our family our country and our freedom that’s ridiculous?

I’d like a thread where I could learn about some guns I would like to own maybe with some pictures.
If anyone doesn’t then don’t look.
"Everyone is entitled to their opinion. By responding to something you don't like, you are choosing to be offended. That is not my problem. It is yours."

You still don't get it, this only applies to other than liberals. They can do and say whatever they want and then make believe that nothing happened or they don't remember or they didn't mean it or it was just a slip of the tongue, or it wasn't me you heard and saw saying that on national TV or it was your imagination or your mistaken or there was a ventriloquist there, they did it ! And on and on and on and on etc. You get the message now ?
The thing is it was not anyone's opinion that I was asking for it was a pick and some info. For someone to make there remarks about how it offends them is more ignorant than just keeping your mouth shut. If you dont like something it's not for you then that's fine but just move the hell on and stop making the world such a shiťþy place because you need to hear yourself speak and then wait for everyone's opinion to make yourself feel better. Why.. why do so many people feel the need.
Well heck. We have a range in the front yard. When we were seriously into bench rest we used it almost daily. Got to serious about it, spent to much $$$ on it with travel and all. Took the fun right out of it. I seldom shoot at paper anymore. Used to be an avid hunter but that's also too much work. These days I would rather watch the animals than kill em'. I'd rather spend my $$$ on tires and records.