LED binker starts out sluggish...

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2010
So i got one blinker on my bike, the left front, that when you turn it on starts out barely blinking then gradually blinks brighter and brighter till it matches what all the other ones do right from the get go. There after market blinkers the owner before me put on, ive went over the connections and they seem fine,.. the system does blink too fast since it has no resistor in it but i like the fast blink so im ok with it.

Anyone know why this one blinker be doing this? :)
battery is new and i dont see any solder anywhere,.. its all those snap together plug wiring.
Try switching the other one on that side... I stock bulb could be sucking up all the power.

Try the complete left or right side...
I would switch the front bulbs and see if the problem stays the same side(bike wiring) or goes to the other side (bad bulb).