led tail light turn signal combo

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10 ohm, 10 watt ceramic resistor from Radio Shack will draw the 1.2 amps required.

On a more interesting note, one could order a flasher unit from Galls which provides parts for police and firemen. They sell a flasher that is programmable with dip switches, just picture your turn signals flashing in clusters of quick pulses like the cherries and blueberries of your favorite trooper.
ok, i bought some 10 ohm 10 watt ceramic resistors, they came 2 in a package, i took one out and put it in line with one of the turn signals, turned on the signal and it still flashed its ass off. am i doing something wrong? do i need to put BOTH in line? and after they are spliced in, what do you do with them? by that i mean, do you cover them with something to protect everything?
Guys, like I said before, the resistor goes from the signal Positive to the ground to increase amperage draw. Do that and it should work.
pockets, i have yet to try what gear just mentioned above. i will try that tomorrow and see how it goes. i just put them in line lol. hopefully it works. if not, i'll get a set of leds turn sigs and just have led tail light aswell.
Hey Stang, did you do the re-wire yet? You will have the same problem with external turn signals if they are LED. It all has to do with amperage draw, LED's draw so little that the flasher doesn't recognize them.

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