Mine seat on the twist grip sleeve, but hang off the end of it by at least 1/4". This is how the previous owner has them anyway, and I've had them off, looked it all over, and tried some different things to no avail. If you scoot the throttle up the bars, so the grip is flush with the end, that 1/4" extra off the throttle sleeve sticks to the bar and causes the throttle to stick. If you move the throttle down so the sleeve is flush with the bar end, that 1/4" of grip hangs off the bar ends, and in my case, piles against the CRG bar end mirror adapter, sticking the throttle again. How can a Buell upgrade grip be longer than the throttle sleeve by that much? Now I'm afraid to go for the other Buell upgraded grips for fear they're just as long. I don't know if you or anyone else can offer any insight?