legal help texas

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Just want to make sure you've got the prima facie concept right.

It means, all by itself without any other factors, it is what it is claimed. It's the prosecution's role to present that.

What it says is, forgetting about all the mitigating factors, you were speeding.

Prima facie is established by showing the posted signs, the radar and your statement above.

Your defense is to acknowledge their prima facie statement and establish why your mitigating factors should be applied.

Yes, I was speeding and this is why I should not be penalized for it.
this is my whole defense

34th street has is 5 lanes 2 each direction and a center lane.speed limit sign are 30,35,40 and 45 mph.
time was 7:15 am clear no traffic.

citation has wrong name,location by 6 blocks and has me on a harley.visable posted limit is 45 mph,citation
says 40 mph.

i know most are going to say limit starts at sign.
no where in texas,federal and in this county and city
traffic code does it state this.posted publicly displayed.i have beat tickets on this alone before.

citation shows me at 51 in a 40.this section of 34th has one cross road no businesses and no houses.
1/2 mile away 34th & osage speed limit is 50 same 5 lanes numerous bussinesses a public pool a public park and houses.if 50 mph is safe on this road how is it not safe on 34th with no traffic,pedstrians,bussinesses,houses and only one cross street.i have beaten tickets in greenville tx.using this presuned speed law in the late 90s.

the officer went blank when i asked him if he knew if texas was an absolute,basic or presumed speed law state and the da objected for the 5 or 6 time i tried to introduced evidence and asked to continue.i had not been able to introduce evidence at all so far due to not following procedure so i had no objection.

i just need to know proper procedure for jan 12 2012
so i can win this jury trial.
Ha, you're busted. Even if you get the max speed acknowledged, i.e., 50 mph, you were over it, i.e., 51 mph.

Had a look at the evidence post above. They were changed in '97.

Okay, so they got you going an "unreasonable speed", ticket is prima facie of this.

You have to demonstrate your speed was reasonable.

This might help you:

Nolo legal site
As mentioned, being charged with violating a "presumed" speed limit means you are accused of driving at an unsafe speed, considering the conditions at the time you were ticketed. But most cops don't look at it this way. They reason that if you are over the posted limit, you are a lawbreaker. That's why you really do have a good chance of prevailing if you can show you were just slightly over the limit, and road, weather, and traffic conditions were good.

But be aware that the "presumed" speed limit law works both ways. On a pleasant summer morning on a wide, uncrowded highway, it may be safe to drive above the posted speed limit. However, on a wet day when visibility is limited by fog, it may not be safe to drive at the posted speed limit. In short, an officer can still ticket you for driving at or below the posted limit, if it is unsafe to do so. This is true in all states.

from your link
Ha, you're busted. Even if you get the max speed acknowledged, i.e., 50 mph, you were over it, i.e., 51 mph.

that would be true in an absolute speed law state

If you received speeding ticket and decide to fight it you should understand the different types of speed limits and how you can use that in your defense.

All 50 states have either 'presumed' or 'absolute' speed limits and because there are considerable differences between the two, understanding what you are charged with will help you with your defense.

a) 'Presumed' Speed Limits

Being charged with violating a 'presumed' speed limit means that you were traveling at an unsafe speed. If you choose to fight a 'presumed' speeding ticket, there are two ways by which you can approach your defense.

1.You can claim that you were not exceeding the speed limit. Before you approach this type of defense make sure you obtain the discovery. The discovery is the legal notion that you are entitled to see all the evidence that will be presented against you by the prosecutor. This will help you determine if the police officer can prove that you were driving over the limit or not. If he can, than this type of defense is not exactly the best idea.
2.You can claim that even if you were exceeding the speed limit you were driving safely under the specific road, weather and traffic conditions at that time.

By claiming that even if you were exceeding the speed you were driving safely you have good chances of getting your speeding ticket dismissed, if you were just slightly over the speed limit. For example if you were traveling 40-45 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, your chances of winning are realistic. Given you have no previous speeding tickets.

In a 'presumed' speed law case, you want to prove that your speed was safe and prudent. And there are certain ways you can prove that. First, you have to go back to the scene where you received the speeding ticket at the same time and day of the week you received it and take pictures. Focus on angles that can prove the road was straight and had good visibility. Also take pictures from distance to show that you were not ticketed in a commercial area where vehicles were not entering and exiting parking lots. Last but not least, try to capture and show heavy traffic at the time and day you received your speeding ticket. You can easily explain why, if in heavy traffic, all vehicles were traveling 10 MPH above the speed limit, you had to follow, for safety reasons.

b) 'Absolute' Speed Limits

'Absolute' speeding tickets are hard to fight. The 'absolute' speed limit law says that if the speed limit is 35 MPH in a certain area and you travel with 35 MPH you committed a traffic violation. While fighting an 'absolute' speeding ticket there are certain ways to approach it, if you decide to do it.

1.You can argue that the officer made a wrong determination of your speed. In order to do this you have to find out what method the police officer was using and attack that. You can find that information by requesting the discovery.
2.You can also claim that the police office mistook you for another car.

While your chances to get a 'absolute' speeding ticket dismissed are slim, you can always give it a try. You never know. You might also want to consider contacting a traffic ticket attorney that will fight the speeding ticket for you. For a little fee, you might have your speeding ticket dismissed, or, at least save the points on your driving license.

Article Source:
Nah, we're not arguing. I'm doing homework. Took an early retirement on Aug 31, start a paralegal course on Tuesday.

Just saying you set up a trap when you say this part of the road should be like that one over there but you're already faster than that one. It begins to look like you'll go over any speed they post which is not the image you want to present. You'll be caught arguing "presumed" for two speeds and you want to focus on just one.

Anyway, that nolo site is US. Had links to Texas laws and help links, in the sidebar, to preparing for your case.
showing that they consider 50 safe with a public pool,park that children walk to and cross the street to and residental and multipal business driveways should show that me going 51 on a road that has no houses 1 business no pool and no park is reasonable.that is if i dont get it dismissed once i get the officer to admit that my name the location and the make of vechicle is wrong and if that is wrong is really sure he wasnt tagging some guy on a harley behind me and how can he be sure with the other mistakes he made that morning on my citation
Just pointing out a caution with that 51, those kinds of things are decided by what the judge had for breakfast.

Careful with the technical issues as well, a Buell is a HD, like it or not. (hmm, you're not on a Rotax, are you?) Certain errors are allowable. That's one of the major differences in Ontario law vs US, huge allowance in ticket writing. However, the principle is the same: find out what how big a margin Texas cops have.
hd is only the parent company , hd did not ever make buell , just partly made engine thats it! but doubt that would help much..
i could see a mistake on ticket saying one car when it's the other brand, like the cars that are the same body just different badging,(but thats still wrong info about your vehicle)
but a sportbike(buell) and a HD , to different..

does your BUELL say BUELL on it , on the tank or do you have any stickers of any kind (or do you have one of the bar&shield stickers anywhere on it , hope not).

good luck on this [up][up]
First off, I'm not from Texas, so I've always operated under an absolute system. But if the posted limit is actually higher than what was written on the ticket, I'd go after the method of determining the speed.

Cast doubt, criminal courts are beyond a reasonable doubt standard. If it's radar, try find out what they're using, and do some research on the model. Depending on what it is, the accuracy can range from +/- .5 to 2 mph. Set up of the unit can also be an issue adding to the accuracy of lack of it. Cast 3 to 5 mph of doubt, which brings it all into question.

Motorcycles are a tough shot even with lazer, specially at lower speeds. Any traffic around clouding signal?
Wow, it is ridiculous hard finding Texas traffic law information. That could be a defense all by itself.

Radar info is good. Case here was recently one because the radar used was outside its calibration dates.

Understand I'm not arguing with you, just pointing out possible traps. Different countries have different laws, principles of law are usually the same.

Have you seen this: The Do-It-Yourself Texas Traffic Ticket Dismissal Book
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Nothing to read into as far as my name. It was from my old xbox gaming name. Actually if you sound it out it is ( nosferatu ) which is old school for vampire.
I thot it might be something about Nitrous for a 2 cylinder, my bad, wishful thinking on my part
That sucks.

Next thing you'll be telling me is that Anarchism isn't an eastern European name and he's younger than 95.