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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
if im going to sue a dealer in corinth tx and harley davidson in milwaukee can i file the suit in amarillo tx.small claims
American Eagle ! That's where I bought 2 of my Buells , what the heck happened ?

I tried calling a lawyer friend of mine, but he's not answering. [smirk]
it pisses me off that h/d promised parts,service and support for 7 years and they closed the site with the owners manuals on it.i called a friend with a 2010 and he was told the same thing they dont come with a manual they are on the web site that is now closed.i figure if i sue it will only cost me a couple hundred bucks but maybe i will get a manual,some kind of a site back and at least be a voice telling them f/u
I hear you man, H-D could give a rats a$$ about Buells and their owners and this is further evidence of it. Yea, when I took delivery of my bikes I had to put my owners manual and all my other paperwork down the back of my pants to get home. Can't forget how uncomfortable that was.
if i can sue for the full value of the bike.seeing how my nearest dealer is 240 miles away and i rely on the manual for service.maybe it will cause them a small small amount of would be worth it.
you need to go to your (country's or province's or)state's offical website and look for the judicial or legistative branch section , some states it may have it a link from the governers website, and go to the law libary section for your states constitution and statutes of laws and torts. scroll down through it or search it by keywords, if you cant find a link to it, then try a search on the states main home webpage for law libary or statutes. like here is where my states' law libary is. a link from the my government drop down menu on the top of the main page, click on legistative branch then the next page click on the law libary link. your state may have a similar easy website setup to easily navigate through it. good luck.
You're going to sue (and win) them for....what? You can't sue (and win) somebody to put a website up. That would be slave labor; on a ruling like that, I could sue you to wash my kitchen.

As far as parts/service/support, legally they are still offering it. You're just angry because it's not convenient for you. You can't sue (and win) for inconvenience.

But let's say you decide to go forward with this. You're entering the realm of contract law, specifically a breach of contract in regards to a warranty. Exactly what part of the warranty contract are they not meeting?

Look, HD had a team of lawyers review all outstanding obligations in regards to product support and what has been promised to the customer. They didn't willy-nilly start closing down sites and closing a multi-million dollar motorcycle brand if there was even a remote risk of someone coming back at them. At best, you can report them to the Better Business Bureau in your state, and that's it.

You can always sue, you just won't win. If you think that by filing a suit, they'll agree to settle because it'll cost them more money in legal fees than what you're asking, you're wrong. They probably have salaried lawyers on staff, so it won't cost them a dime to drag you through court. And in the extreme case where you win, you'd only be awarded what's called "nominal" damages.

The whole process will be like masturbation without the payout.
You most certainly can sue and can win. This has been proven by stupid people suing for stupid thing such as the lady who spilled hot coffee on herself. I mean come are you F***ing kidding, coffee is suppose to be hot! Also this may have just put people over the edge with the site going down, showing the bad costumer service some Harley Dealership give by not giving or offering services. If you look around this site and other Buell communities you are seeing the vastly trending complaint of Harley Dealership saying they don't offer certain parts anymore and that they are on back order. If other retailer have these parts they are charging an arm and a leg because they know they can. I have a Harley Dealership down the road from me offer service then two week say they are not working on Buells anymore. It's the lack of the Dealership (except for a lucky few) support and the mothership wanting to leave Buell in the dust. I read that parts and services are also gonna be available for 7 years; I definitely think there is some law out know there that protects us; just like Harley saying you have to get you bike serviced by them or you void your warranty.
Please don't do this. The legal system in America is already so filled with frivolous lawsuits it's ridiculous. I know we're a litigious people, but you'd just be taking time away from cases that deserve actual attention. It's a bummer you lost your online resource for the owner's manual. Unfortunately, they are available for purchase, so it sounds like you'd better get ready to fork over some hard-earned cash.
i may loose or win dont really care but if i loose they will need to send someone to amarillo tx to fight it.any new vechicle should come with a manual.why should anyone have to pay for something that is free.even if i win i dout i will be able to collect.the reason this country is in this because people have the attitude thats just the way it is.
ive talked to 3 other owners that did not get owners manuals.two 09s and one 10 called my dealer this morning and was told 09 and 10 did not come with paper manuals.i really dont know if thats b/s or not.if i cant get one from harley i will just file in small claims court.and see if i can get a reaction out of them
I have on 09, and it came with an 09-specific paper manual, along with some other related paperwork.

You should have gotten one from your dealer.
Before you spout nonsense about stupid people suing and winning, do your homework. You can sue, doesn't mean you win.

Lady with coffee burns: look it up.

1. Third degree burns? Ever spill any ready to eat food and got more than red skin? Okay, so too hot.

2. Several prior complaints: other people had been burned and complained. Company did not respond. Okay, several management failures.

3. Company ran coffee hotter than regular coffee shops. They were exceeding industry safety standards. Okay, now they're reckless.

Summary: company was violating safety standards, ignoring all warning indications and caused serious injury.

Conclusion: they pay.

The original post: relax and go for a ride. It looks like Harley took all their other manuals down as well. Buell owner's manuals are still available online with permission. Google is your friend. (That alone will lose your case but your lawyer will still take your money to tell you that.)
its amazing that after spending 9000 grand my dealer and other dealeres feel the need to b/s me over a 20 dollar i would have to assume that questions i asked about other parts being available were answered the same way.good idea going for a ride.its a good thing my dealer is 240 miles away
You still haven't identified the agreement they made and broke, under which you intend to sue on.

Check the fine print in your manual for an inconsistency.
harley agreed to have parts,service and support available for seven years after they closed buell.there is no more buell customer service,dealers are getting rid of buell techs and not working on them.and important parts are not available making bikes unrideable for months,mainly fuel pump ive been waiting for since nov.ive come up with an alternate plan though.2011 cb1000r
I had a 06 owners manual and currently have a 08 and 09 owners manual , all of them came with the delivery of the bikes . The dealers are full of sh** if they say there were no manuals !! [confused]