Looking for a Lightning Select Seat in Red

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
One of my buddies is looking for a Lightning Select Seat in Red, but all of the dealers are stating that this color is obsolete and no longer available! Does anyone know where I can get one? Part number was 51900-06Y. For a 2009 Buell Lightning.
Just got off of the phone with those guys and they apparently never carried it, and are not able to get it! This seems to be the problem I've been running into; sites list the product, but don't have it! Why is that?

By the way, thank you dave for your input!!! :D
Just an update...after a bunch of phone calls I was able to locate a dealer who still had 2 of these seats stocked! Whoot!
Well the dealership that had this seat was Alamo, but they don't deliver to customer's just other shops near the customer; so I wouldn't call it cool, but nice of them to do! Shipping it directly would have been cool.