OK, if this helps you and anyone else on here: when buying in the internet, look for little hints and LOOK DEEP! For instance, see the crack on the instrument? That can be replaced with some difficulty, but it indicates the bike has spent it's life outdoors in hot or cold weather. These gauges seep moisture slightly, even when washed. This bike has 11,000 something miles, yet has no wear on the fork adjustments. It was with an owner who didn't know what they were doing with it. The clock shows 12:00. It was left to rot and was jump started to show for this photo, clearly left outdoors in a rain or snow storm. The wheels are flat and stained from brake dust, not being cared for properly. The mirrors are missing and I suspect that the clutch cover is also missing the logo as well, indicating two tipovers from the fuzzy out-of-focus photo. It looks like the body work is crooked, indicating an amateur took it off and replaced it after a drop.
When checking in person, check the expensive parts that people skimp on replacing after a drop when selling, like forks, rear axles, magnesium cases, undersides of mirrors, tiny nicks on bar ends and levers (yeah, they got nicked from being tipped over, not magic), nicks on pegs, and other things that just don't make sense. Even if the bike is priced right, there are hundreds of these for sale. Pass on a dropped bike. Why? It can throw belts if the frame is mis-aligned and the engine is out of line with the rear sprocket -- that's a nightmare -- just to name one. Another is you're riding someone else's problems.
Be an inspector and don't get caught up in a passionate project. Insurance companies will TOTAL a Buell if the frame has even a scratch on it because it is also the fuel tank. Keep that in mind. As of today, are you willing to pour more money above $4500 on a 1125 CR with 5000 miles on it to have a $4500-4800 motorcycle? Because that is today's value for a 2009 1125CR. If you think yours is worth more, you've found a golden buyer and that's awesome.
Please email me or PM me if you need any help. I've been around these since day one and will be glad to lend a hand.