looking to lower your 1125 cr

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Aug 15, 2010
Its true they said you could not lower a buell 1125 cr but with some creativity and hours of searching the internet i have officially lowered mine by 2 inches. I have a 30 inch inseem and it was very hard to manuever my bike and i lacked the confidence that one has when your able to flat foot the ground. i dont race my bike so im worried about the structural geometry of how the bike is set up. ill post some pics up tonight hopefully of before and after.
I was worried at first when I got my 9sl, but the lowered suspension hasn't caused me the slightest bit of trouble as far as ground clearance. I wouldn't mine the exhaust being a little higher just for general stuff, like how I can just pop the GS500 right on and off of the sidewalk to get it in my basement, instead of having to use the ramp like I do with the xb, but still.

Another option, would would only make your CR look even sweeter would be to put an scg tail on it with the low seat. [up]
ive wondered about shaving some foam out of the seat. ive heard and seen images of people doing this, but i dont want to ride a brick and not enjoy the ride anymore.the low seat is anoption.
If you cut it right it should be ok, maybe put some harder foam in it. The scg seat is hard as a brick, but is considerably more comfortable than any other seat I've ever ridden. I also have one of the tall cityx seats which is very soft, and it's no where near as comfortable. It's all about the shape of it.