Love my bike!

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Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Days like this with TWP remind me why I bought a Buell

and a little photograph frenzy right here
I love my bike soooo much!

It goes vroommm.. vroom around all the twisties and turnies.. and i look super cool in my gear. I go fast like vrrrooommmm!!

-Hacked by mark's fiance-
LMFAO!! @ Mark's Fiance! LOL!!

And, Nik, not to sound like a nanny, but I will: I've crashed a few times at speed on a track, but the worst pain/roadrash I've ever felt was looping my bike in a t-shirt right in front of my house... I'm just saying... ;)
Dont encourage her Rhino, ugggg! ah well At least she is pretty! I like making her grab on tight to me in those twisties Hahaha!
Hahah @ Mark

Rhino: I am aware that it is a risk, but when it is 90* plus and i'm riding a bike that runs hot i'll take it.
Oh, and Nik, cool bike, btw! [up]

Actually, they're both cool, but the 'Bolt just looks the busines. Good stuff!
love the white one.

is it all white with silver ??

**sorry, still a super newb so i don't know what to call it**
I've always loved the faces the bikes have. Always thought the XB9/12R's looked like a hound dog or something with the mirrors being the ears all up. In your case your pups ears a slightly down lol

Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night and I miss my Buell terribly. And now I'm going to go throw my leg over my slow turd of a supermoto.
Haha, yes 2005 9r, came with yellow I traded a guy for while plastics, it has white wheels with silver lip, and blue strips around the edge.

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