low fuel

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
Do our newer xb buells make some type of noise when the low fuel light and counter come on? I keep thinking I here something and thats when I notice my fuell is low?[confused] its like a clicking noise,
bump, ok people have you ever got so low on fuell that your light came on? Did it make a sound or a clicking noise? Do you remember a noise that made you look at the count down meter? help me out here.[smirk]
might just be in our heads, but I swear I hear something kick over when my light comes on, something that makes me look down besides the light itself
...Intuition? ;)

Honestly, my commute has the light coming on almost every ride around the same spot....never hear any noises besides the norm.
Dunno. I'll sacrifice myself tomorrow and go out and ride until the light comes on to see. If I miss it the first time, I'll fill up and do it again. [cool]
never heard any noises other than slappin myself for not stopping to get and thinking i could make it all the way,, i went about 40-45 miles once on low fuel light driving about 40mph. than then karma bit me in the ass and ran out of gas 2 miles from town. my gf brought me gas at 2 or 3am.
Well, if it made a noise today, I missed it. I was on a real nice stretch of road at the time...:D