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walls, do you just like to harass him all over the forum?
Yep!!! Until little man can prove ALL the crap he's boasted about since march and felt the need to insult EVERYONE that questioned him and state he doesn't care what people say or think,I sure as hell will. Got an issue with that ?
no need to bring info from one thread all over the entire forum, if you have a problem with his claims adress it where he made it, not in a guys thread where his claims are irrelevant......
Well nikfeisch , like I and many others on here have stated , if he would just post the info he has bragged about, the WHOLE issue would have been dropped ALONG time ago! But he insist on being a peckerhead about it and he's the one that has caused all the anger everytime his name pops up. He avoids the topics he has brought up and wants to belittle people but he expects to make other post and fly under the radar without being called out. Why don't you go jump in your Toyota Prius and go hug a tree or save a whale or something because your not bringing any peace to this issue.
Well nikfeisch , like I and many others on here have stated , if he would just post the info he has bragged about, the WHOLE issue would have been dropped ALONG time ago! But he insist on being a peckerhead about it and he's the one that has caused all the anger everytime his name pops up. He avoids the topics he has brought up and wants to belittle people but he expects to make other post and fly under the radar without being called out. Why don't you go jump in your Toyota Prius and go hug a tree or save a whale or something because your not bringing any peace to this issue.
Im not agreeing with what hes saying his bike can do, nor am I saying it wont im saying leave it on his thread not agates, and I dont actually own a prius, nor do i know how to save a whale.
try bryon il they have a huge bike thing every couple of months. just the fronts and just enough to limit travel not all of it. hit me up if you go again I'm just over the border in indiana.
Sorry guys best I can do for now with this camera,but heres the slip proving my time.Ill post one more later with better cam.
Hey dragracexbByron Ill is about the same miles and i know bedaring and redrider would go give us a heads up if your going and when.For some reason xb is always over my time.LOL
Agate +1 for showing proof. Very impressive times!
Now show your buddy 44h481 how to post up proof like this before making BS claims.
great run Agate...I was planning on going with you guys but my battery was toast...would of been nice to see what my 1125 would of ran.

Let me know whenever you wanna meat in Oconomowoc WI

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