Mapping questions. Looking to just get pointed in the right direction.

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Nov 2, 2011
I have the breather mod done, K&N filter and a Jardine exhaust (the carbon fiber one with the short outlet...bit too loud but...)

I've downloaded a race map using ECM spy. The race map is supposed to be the same as the stock Buell race map.

I've reset the TPS and also set the AFV to 100%.

I did the 4000rpm steady riding for 5 to 7 miles a few times.

It idles fine at 1100 rpm for a second or two, then acts as if it's going to stall. jumps back to 1100 rpms then does it all over again. Cold more than hot.

Popping on deceleration when warm (much less than cold) from 3700 to 2000 while engine braking (leaving the clutch out and just closing the throttle all the way)

With the clutch pulled in, the engine wants to "hang" right at 2000rpm while decelerating. If I let the clutch out to engage the engine it will come off that spot and then go back to idle at 1100 rpms.

This is less of an issue if I turn the idle screw down to idle at 900 to 1000 rpm but it will stall every now and again with the idle down that low.

Top end seems to be very strong compared to when it was stock as does full throttle roll-ons.

Do I need to add fuel at the idle cells, or take some fuel away?

Also, for the popping on decel, add or remove fuel from those cells?

Other than idle and decel, I like what I've done so far but I can't find symptoms to match what I have in doing a forum search so if any advice you may have??
It idles fine at 1100 rpm for a second or two, then acts as if it's going to stall. jumps back to 1100 rpms then does it all over again. Cold more than hot.
check idle correction, ego correction, idle spark advance temp. correction, spark advance, open loop correction. most ddfi-2 struggle to keep inside idle area when cold, so jumping out of it results in a different correction (ol corr. + wue instead of idle corr.) and spark advance is affected the same way.
rule of thumb for idle: if rpm drop with hot engine, slightly increase idle spark advance for that clt, check that afv is not too far away from ego corr, as this makes the engine stall when getting outside idle area.

Popping on deceleration when warm (much less than cold) from 3700 to 2000 while engine braking
decrease decel corr, raise decel region slightly (~2400 rpm)

With the clutch pulled in, the engine wants to "hang" right at 2000rpm while decelerating. If I let the clutch out to engage the engine it will come off that spot and then go back to idle at 1100 rpms.
reduce spark advance @ 2k rpm to ~1/2 of the current value.
EDIT: now ich you've edited your entire post to take out all that crap.  I don't even know if what your posting is to be taken seriously or if you're just posting to F with people...

He's not the one who edited the post.
The breather re-route combined with an open air box and exhaust has actually been dyno tested. Synergy of the whole, not the cumulative of the separate.
thank you very much for your information. i really appreate your input.
You know Ich, I think you and I would get along great if we met one another in real life. After the initial friction and ensuing physical violence of course. :D
No, not at all. You've been most helpful in pretty much every thread I've seen you on. That was in no way directed at you.
To the OP, if you give us the part number from your ecm as well as the year/model of you bike we'll be able to tell you which ecm you actually have. A shortcut is that most, but NOT all, of the race ecm's say for race use only on them, something to that effect. Also, the race map is very different from the stock map. The race map is designed to give more power in the higher rpm range than the stock one. The same rpm range you would mostly find yourself operating in if you were to take your bike out for a track day at a local race track.
Holy smokes. I didn't mean to start a shitstorm.
2007 XB12R 3100 miles on the clock.
My ECM is stock. I flashed a race map to it. The map I loaded is supposed to be the same as the "race ecm" map. Considering how it's running, it just may be.
My bike runs great from 3700 on up to redline.

I wanted to add more fuel to match the mods I've done hence the reason for the race map. Now that the map is loaded, TPS reset, AFV set back to 100% - I'm getting the above described running conditions.

Hope that adds enough info to help me out??
if you give us the part number from your ecm as well as the year/model of you bike we'll be able to tell you which ecm you actually have.
helpless questions from clueless moderator. what information do you gain from that if the op stated before that he installed another map?

The race map is designed to give more power in the higher rpm range than the stock one.
this is another case of ******** again. the "race" map is designed to match the p&a exhaust. the p&a exhaust provides a better ve and less flow loss at high rpm, therefore power is increased if fuel is adjusted. exhausts providing a similar length and setup as a p&a exhaust will also benefit from the "race" map in some cases, all other won't.

the symptoms described by the op are pretty common for intake or exhaust modifications, if injectors are changed or if a map is loaded into a firmware it is not made for (e.g. cb060 "race" map loaded into ib310 ecm). if you would have only a slight clue of what you are talking about you would have recognized them instantly. i am also sure that you do have not the faintest idea how this all looks in a log file, although it's more than obvious in there. it's also obvious then, that the map usually does not need to be adjusted in idle if ego corr. is not too far away from afv in idle (and afv is meant to change), but that idle corr., idle spark adv. temp. adj. and wue are misaligned and transition between idle and ol condition is badly configured.
I have a feeling the OP is not going to get much from this thread...

Where did you get the race map? Yes it gives more power at mid to high rpms(I noticed it on mine) but it also gives more power at low rpms, maybe just not as much. The race map is richer than the stock map as well, this helps with the coughing and running hot issues that a lot of these bikes experience.

I'm wondering if the map you loaded was screwed with before you got it...? I'd maybe find another race map and try loading that in and see how it runs.

This is all assuming it ran fine before the race map right?
the "race" map for the rear cylinder, which controls fuelling, is in large parts significantly leaner than a stock map, as easily seen in a side by side comparison: this reflects the decrease in ve for lower rpm.

the front map is partially richer, due to the same increase in ve as shown in the rear at high rpm, but at a different engine speed because of the unequal header length.

the idle region of the "race" map is smoother than the stock setup, but also leaner, and this might lead to the typical sawtooth wave in rpm, which can be noticed often if the idle region's mixture is insufficient. this will easily be verified in a log showing a warm up in idle after a cold start.
OP the race map is richer not leaner. The stock map is lean from the factory to pass emissions.
IB310 stock map:

GB231 P&A map:
OK. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm starting to get a much better idea of what I did wrong though.

Ich, your just like my brother. He's a software designer and get pissed when people don't understand the simple things that are second nature to him.
Your logic makes sense but your bedside manner is a bit harsh which is why you may be getting so much flak from others. I can afford to light my bike on fire and go buy another one but I love my bike and I enjoy solving problems even if I created it.

I'm going to load my stock eprom including fuel and timing, back to my ECM and start over tomorrow. I'm going for a 30 mile ride and will take it easy until I begin to change things again.

I will post what I'm going to do and how I will attempt to do it - all based on a stock ECM - and will post maps as well. I may NOT have loaded the timing table to match the race map. The race map came with the cable that I bought off ebay. I remember the seller had 100% feedback with recommendations from a few on this forum as being reputable. Can't think of who it was at the moment. I'll be back in touch later tonight.

My last bike was a ZX-11. I screwed with the jetting and timing on that bike with a lot of success but had much help from others. I'm sure I'll get my Buell running perfect with my mods, its just a work in progress.

I'm going to load my stock eprom including fuel and timing, back to my ECM
mount the stock exhaust too. start logging with a cold engine (<25 degC) and let it warm up >160 degC while idling. this log will be the reference for later adjustments.
PROBLEM SOLVED!! Sirius815 sent me a map.

After a few warm days of riding, I'll start logging data and post what I've got. In the mean time, I'll keep an eye on the AFV value to see that it stays near 100%.

Thanks everyone!