OK. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm starting to get a much better idea of what I did wrong though.
Ich, your just like my brother. He's a software designer and get pissed when people don't understand the simple things that are second nature to him.
Your logic makes sense but your bedside manner is a bit harsh which is why you may be getting so much flak from others. I can afford to light my bike on fire and go buy another one but I love my bike and I enjoy solving problems even if I created it.
I'm going to load my stock eprom including fuel and timing, back to my ECM and start over tomorrow. I'm going for a 30 mile ride and will take it easy until I begin to change things again.
I will post what I'm going to do and how I will attempt to do it - all based on a stock ECM - and will post maps as well. I may NOT have loaded the timing table to match the race map. The race map came with the cable that I bought off ebay. I remember the seller had 100% feedback with recommendations from a few on this forum as being reputable. Can't think of who it was at the moment. I'll be back in touch later tonight.
My last bike was a ZX-11. I screwed with the jetting and timing on that bike with a lot of success but had much help from others. I'm sure I'll get my Buell running perfect with my mods, its just a work in progress.