D dustin_usmc1 Well-known member Joined Feb 12, 2009 Messages 276 Mar 28, 2010 #1 Hey guys, I have noticed that we have a lot of Marine buellers. Just curious how many we actually have. This goes for all past and present Marines.
Hey guys, I have noticed that we have a lot of Marine buellers. Just curious how many we actually have. This goes for all past and present Marines.
G GatorBuell Well-known member Joined Apr 12, 2008 Messages 1,370 Mar 28, 2010 #2 Me, Combat Engineer.
E everyother_time Well-known member Joined Jun 19, 2008 Messages 234 Mar 28, 2010 #3 Data Systems Analyst for the KC-130J aircraft, Sgt USMC. Stationed in Cherry point.
C cheezits Well-known member Joined Mar 17, 2010 Messages 80 Mar 28, 2010 #4 MWR Spec/F-18 C/D powerplant mech. Sgt Camp Lejuene.
B bishopjb1124 Active member Joined Apr 25, 2010 Messages 26 May 19, 2011 #5 JTAC/Scout Observer Camp Ljeune NC
xtremelow Well-known member Joined May 19, 2007 Messages 6,230 May 19, 2011 #6 Infantry '01-'07 Me on the left, one of my best friends, right (double Purple Heart recipient, shot in the legs and hit by an IED) Just a cool pic of me doing some training, old school cammies, think this is from '02
Infantry '01-'07 Me on the left, one of my best friends, right (double Purple Heart recipient, shot in the legs and hit by an IED) Just a cool pic of me doing some training, old school cammies, think this is from '02
J Jon0341 Well-known member Joined Mar 22, 2010 Messages 353 May 19, 2011 #7 04-08 Infantry/mortarman Sgt.
B bobaganoosh Well-known member Joined Apr 17, 2010 Messages 808 May 19, 2011 #8 got out in january rah
I IYAOYAS Well-known member Joined Mar 19, 2010 Messages 375 May 20, 2011 #9 Aviation Ordnance, SGT 92 - 00
S SPEEDDEMON203302 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2011 Messages 52 May 20, 2011 #10 Got out in 94, 2621 Signals Intelligence, then 0331 60 Gunner 29 Palms AKA " The Stumps"
J jerseymayhem Well-known member Joined Mar 5, 2010 Messages 288 May 20, 2011 #11 03-07 Sgt Motor T Operator Stationed on Camp Hansen, JP then Camp Pendleton, CA In Iraq: was attached to 1st med battalion as security and ambulance driver, was stationed on Camp Korean Village.
03-07 Sgt Motor T Operator Stationed on Camp Hansen, JP then Camp Pendleton, CA In Iraq: was attached to 1st med battalion as security and ambulance driver, was stationed on Camp Korean Village.
G GatorBuell Well-known member Joined Apr 12, 2008 Messages 1,370 May 20, 2011 #12 I was on Hansen in 92, 9th Engineers. Shrimp Yakisoba from the New Philly [up].
X XBChuck9 Well-known member Joined Aug 25, 2010 Messages 102 May 21, 2011 #13 2002-2006 Combat Camera 4671 Camp Lejeune, Okinawa and 29 Palms
B BigEasy Active member Joined Jan 22, 2011 Messages 31 May 22, 2011 #15 I'm a squid myself but I did my time in the Gator Navy from '79-'83 floating you grunts around to go camping. Er I mean to fight Many props to the USMC[up]
I'm a squid myself but I did my time in the Gator Navy from '79-'83 floating you grunts around to go camping. Er I mean to fight Many props to the USMC[up]
X XBChuck9 Well-known member Joined Aug 25, 2010 Messages 102 May 25, 2011 #17 Thanks Jersey! I only wore the stash on deployments.
A AV8guy Well-known member Joined Apr 8, 2010 Messages 206 May 25, 2011 #18 AV8 Airframes Mech 6252. Sgt Mar'02-Present
U unionthug Well-known member Joined Mar 16, 2011 Messages 240 May 29, 2011 #19 Gotta love a good war to decorate your chest... 6173, got out just before Desert Shield / Storm in late 1989. Thank you guys for keeping up the fight.
Gotta love a good war to decorate your chest... 6173, got out just before Desert Shield / Storm in late 1989. Thank you guys for keeping up the fight.