Very mature LeFox. Shutting down an active thread that people were obviously interested in just because you got a little offended. It wouldn't be alive if no one wanted it to be.
Its cool I guess. I made my points. Whether or not people understood is a different story. I think LeFox is on the power trip now though. He just locked a thread on the uly forum too! PEOPLE NEED TO GET OVER THEMSELVES!
this is a buell forum, not a playground for boys who think it's fun to hand out personal remarks without knowing the people behind the keyboard...
yes, the mature thing to do was to shut it down.
i even asked nicely...twice.
it will take more to offend me, trust me!
ooh, and this is in the wrong forum...ok if i move it [smirk]
for your info, that 'just locked' topic in the uly forum was a week ago, because it is a double post (link was also inserted, thank you)
oh dang lefox just opened up a whole new box with that last comment...that's awesome if those 3 are the same person..WOW...i completely agree with lefox shutting down that topic too
its a buell forum...if i wanted to watch a soap opera i could turn on my tv!
Wow!! All you guys sound like a bunch of candy *****. I say post whatever you want, buell related or not. This is what makes America what it is and if you don't like it, don't read it. I thought you guys rode buells because had a pair. HAHAHAHA POSERS
Hmm, well technically speaking the web doesn't have national boundaries, so you're off on that one kbaddict, once it's out here it's fair game. Besides, LeFox made the right choice. kbaddict, what's the name of the site again? Thought so.
I have to ask Fido a question from the other thread(the one this obviously refers to) I thought you were Cav man? Are you seriously still working with M16s?
Lefox--Good call, that **** was definitely a downward spiral
All of you can trash on Lefox's decision but really he is just trying to keep this forum a friendly place for guidance, help and general casual BUELL If you want to talk about other topics then get a facebook of myspace. It's not like Lefox is deleting every post he doesn't like... EX: "Top Speed" thread...
I'll admit this is entertaining and somewhat funny but we have to respect Lefox's decision since he is always here to give us the best advice to troubleshoot our problems or answers hard questions. In the end, saving us time and money!!!
Thanks for everything Lefox [up][up]
If everyone that wants to be active in this forum would simply ignore these/this idiot, they/he will go away. It is clearly a kid that is looking for someone to fight with. If we engage in a verbal fight, then they are getting what they want.