Minnesota Spotted Thread.

Buellxb Forum

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that is exactly why I want a Buell! I want to be different, and have people wonder what the heck i am riding. I love that aspect of Buell.
Has it been out of commission? Or have you been working on it or something? You should bring it by and let me take it for a spin! [up]
Spotted a sick Buell today. It was about 4:00 in the afternoon, heading out of Cold Spring heading towards Saint Cloud. It was an all-white Lightning with black. I am almost positive it is the bike that was posted for sale on here that is the custom white with all white rims. I can't find the thread that it is in - but i am almost positive that it was that bike.

Looked amazing!
Saw a blue and white Firebolt on 7th st in St. Paul a little after 2 am, bar close. He passed right in front of my work. Heard him come down the road and knew that sound without even looking. Ran to see him stop at the stop light. Some drunk ass at the front door yells, "Is that a Buell?" Kinda made me proud. Bike sounded awesome. A lot louder than mine. Anyone here and what exhaust do you have?
Spotted two Buells this weekend.

Both on Wednesday the 3rd.

First was a white XB9R in Minneapolis that entered onto 94W from Dowling Ave...About 6:00.

The second what a white and gold XB9S in Spicer, MN at about 8 pm...crossing HWY 23.

Anybody on here?
Okay, no idea how I have missed this for so long....

There is a guy with a Black on Black XB9S (maybe STT, I only got a quick look at it) that works right across the way from my office.

New Hope, MN on Quebec Avenue.

Anyone on here??
Saw a blue and black XB9S on Crystal, MN this morning at about 7:45.
He was headed across HWY 100 on 42nd Ave.
