misfiring at idle

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2007
My wifes blast will misfire/backfire while idling. It will make a "poof" sort of sound and then die or almost die. It is most prominent while still warming up but will sometimes do it when warm. It is a 2000 w/5400 miles on it. It had Kerker exhaust and was jetted before it left the dealer when new. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any help.
Pop the air box cover off and take a look for 2 hoses coming in just outside the air filter. If they're there, see my post about relocating the breather hoses. Basically those hoses are putting un burnt gasses back through the engine, its a cheap emissions control. So those gasses are mixing with clean air and causing the backfiring and missing. At least that was the case on my XB12. I'm not sure if the blast has the same set-up, but if it does, thats the culprit.
The first thing - check plug wire and plug for tightness, then try tightening intake boot, if still happens, then replace intake boot. Try turning the airscrew on the carb a quarter turn out more also - I'm sure you could try a little octaine boost/carb cleaner/hi-octaine as well.
GT - JBOTDS! EZ[cool]
Is the blast the first bike your wife has ever ridden? How does she like it? I want to buy one for the girlfriend who has never ridden anything in her life. She'll be taking the course this summer to get her license and then its time to look for a suitable bike.
The Blast is literally the first 2 wheeler she's ridden since she was 15 and had to pedal. The blast is an awesome bike to learn on. She took the MSF course in April having only ridden her blast 100 feet down our alley. I figure it is inevitable that her first bike will be dropped at some point so no sense spending a ton of money on it (you can pick em up all day long for $2K, we got hers for $1k). She's since had the chance to buy a Sportster and turned it down because she loves the Buell and if you see a female rider around here she's on a Harley. She like being different. Oddly enough when we bought the Blast it was to be for her to learn on an me to commute on, but once she got her liscence it bacame hers and I had to get my own. "oh darn......well OK honey if that's what you want". So I bought an XB12Ss:)
So after all that rambling, yes buy your GF the Blast.[up]
Just an update. After going back to stock exhaust the Blast did run better but still had an occasional backfire, not misfire. since the wife and I were building our own bike trailer to take them to the Buell Homecoming there was not time to look into other causes of the backfire. Well, while at the factory we get ready to leave and her Blast started but would stay idleing and the eventually wouldn't start at all. The head mechanic at the factory took the bike inside and tore into it. He found that the low speed jet wasn't clogged but was gummed a little bit, so he cleaned it. He then took off the intake boot and sure enough it was cracked halfway around under the clamp (not visible to me since I didn't take the clamp off). After putting a new one on and buttoning it back up it ran like a champ. EZBLAST, you got it right again, I just didn't have the opportunity to look into it.

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