Monthly BuellXB Giveaways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buellxb Forum

Help Support Buellxb Forum:

and the grand prize for the end of the year... front row tickets to a jello wrestling match between buellchick and xbgirl! yay!:D ah dreams
Ha ha you guys are sooo funnny.... I soo would buy my own **** if xtreme wasnt so excited to do up my bike... its like i want it start saving and then ta da here it is on my bike....

And I am up for jello more playing than wrestling ;)
Thank you BuellXB and xtremelow. Also a big thanks to everyone on this forum for staying around and not backing away after Buell was dropped. The brotherhood of bikers is what keeps this forum going and allows BuellXB and xtremelow to be able to put something cool like this together.

Thank you BuellXB and Xtremelow

To all who have said thanks, thank you, but I am just a middle man no need to thank me.

It is yourselves and the BuellXB Forum that is making this possible.
treyflee: sweet, think i'm short posts.....gonna start flaming everyone

Dont forget these giveaways are ment to aid in the growth of the Forum in informational and commendable posts not just filler space.
First prize- A photo shoot with Buellchick

That one wont be free goes to the highest bidder, I will have to get something out of that to make it worth my while.:p

Let the bidding begin at a new 1125CR[up]
Yeah that would be nice, but I dont know what all computerwise can be done. Not that computer smart.

Would be nice to be able to do polls as well.

I am sure time will allow for things to evolve for the forum, I will talk with buellxb filling him in on how things go month to month and what needs to be done or not.

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