my 05 Buell XB12S.. .

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- thanks
- unfortunately, i dont remember what size S10 mask i used, just checked the receipt and its not listed there either
- i never had it contact the fender under hard breaking but i'm sure it could, looked pretty close. i didnt leave it on very long
My mask is a size 1 ,and it will make contact with the front fender if I hit something hard like a driveway or pothole. I also have the Ss so I have more suspension travel than most.
Dude that is a hellaciously cool bike. The gas mask is genius. You're an inspiration to all Lightning owners.
Just wanted to say this is the best looking Bueel I have seen...its just a combination of the simple mods. Seeing this was a huge factor when I was debating on a Buell or not....Now I have one and have already begun the "personalization" process.

Thanks for a great Desktop background as well ;)
thanks, guys! [up]

k15goose, no, the dark headlight shot was after a track day. the lights are taped up.

first, I just wantb to thank u! U helped me make my decision on the purchase of my first bike! It was a toss up between a 2000 Duc M900 and a 2003 Buell XB9SL. Picking one up when I get back to Toronto, Canada! Just wondering, though........ I've searched everywhere for the gas mask and can't find it anyhwere! If you have easy access to one, do u think u can get one for me, custom fit it and I'll pay you for it. Let me know!

That's got to be the most bad ass XB I've ever seen!!!!!!
thanks, fresh rida! have fun with the XB, they're great bikes [up]

Steven has you hooked up with a link for more detail. i dont remember what size mask i used but as mentioned, it was a British Avon S10. picked it up from a military surplus dealer in the UK.

another Bueller bought my modded mask and the freekin USPS lost it. so lame.

good luck with your project. post pics!
help anyone!!! picked up my '03 XB9SL last wednesday. the guy i bought it from promised to provide the owner's manual with the bike but can't find it! called a buell dealership to see if they can order one for me. they're charging $99+taxes for a service manual. is this the same as the owner's manual? i really want one just so I can learn the in's and out's of the bike. This being my first, so it's really a big thing for me!

anyone know where i can get one? anyone kind enough to hand down their copy? even if i can just borrow it to photocopy! i'm desperate. i don't mind paying as long as it's cheaper than what the dealer's charging!

by the way, here's some pics of my first bike


anyone know where i can get one? anyone kind enough to hand down their copy? even if i can just borrow it to photocopy! i'm desperate. i don't mind paying as long as it's cheaper than what the dealer's charging!
GOOD NEWS! You can get both free. The Owner's manual is self-explanatory - The Service manual is in-depth with Disassembly/Assembly.

[Owner's Manual] Go to / Register under the "Owners" tab and you can access them free.

[Service Manual] Click on the "Buell Service Manuals" link at the top of this page. There you'll find a Free Service Manual Download. (It's for Bolts, but they're close enough for what you'll need it for.)
Thanks Steven! Freebies are always good! Mos def!

Now my next question! How do you remove the decals off of the air box cover and the fly screen? Tried searching for it and no luck!
Welcome to the Forum. But I believe this post should be moved therefore you can get the proper attention to your concern.

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