My belt snapped and whipped my ass!!!!

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Then how do you get the axle out without getting the rear wheel off the ground?
According to what I read in the manual, and what BPG said in another thread, the rear wheel has to come off the ground so the axle can be removed. Someone please shed some light, im feeling real dumb right now.
I see know...after looking closer at the routing of the belt. Thanks for the help guys.
Well, I got the belt on. Getting the tensioner back on was a bitch! Seems there is a different whinning noise on decel. I'm sure that will go away when it loosens up a bit.

Last week the weather was beautiful (80s) here, and I had no bike. Now we are back in the upper 90s. Just my luck...well at least I got her back. Thanks for all the help guys.

been 80's most of the summer here i am actully enjoying mi for the first time in my life.
would be easier to get the tensioner on with the axle out but i like a challange
Allright since the belt discussion is up,. i just wonder how long is the lifetime of a new belt?? when to change to aviod such whips in the ass?

RT, yah I took your word and went for it. I just didn't feel like messing with the wheel if I didn't need to.

jompas. Just FYI...If you have your belt gaurds on you will not need to worry about "The whippings" like I received. I'm still not going to put them on, but I will inspect my belt a little closer from now on.
Allright since the belt discussion is up,. i just wonder how long is the lifetime of a new belt?? when to change to aviod such whips in the ass?

after seeing a few post and discussing it.
if your playing clutch ,power wheelies somewhere around 12,000 for the smooth back belts
after seeing a few post and discussing it.
if your playing clutch ,power wheelies somewhere around 12,000 for the smooth back belts

Yeah and I have also removed most of the guards, the lower one is completely removed and the upper (hugger) I cutted to fit my taste of looks.. OUGH, it´s hard to converse miles to km but i think i got it right, using the conversion tool in my mobilephone..