My Buell xb12 review after 1.5 years of ownership.

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These bikes are an absolute addiction to those who have had the good fortune (and good sense) to take ownership of one. 3rd riding season on my '07 XB12R, and liking - no, LOVING it more with each ride! Unlike the OP, I have found the only folks who have snubbed my Buell are HD weekend warrior types. No big surprise there! Of the many sport bike owners, sport\tourer owners, cruiser owners that I've got into conversations with - they've only ever been complimentary towards my bike and Buells in general. And other Buell owners I've met and spoken to are all as fanatical as I am! I was at my local HD dealership recently (Trev Deeley - Vancouver, Canada) and one of the parts guys told me that when Buell production was discontinued, they had 13 Buells in stock. Of those 13, six were purchased by staff at the dealership! The good folks there have always been huge Buell fans, and from the big boss down, many of them have owned or continue to own Buell machines. They were REALLY pissed off when HD killed the Buell brand, which is high praise from the company responsible for importing Harley Davidson's into Canada!
nice post fireinxb. and in conjunction with what you've just said, i would like to add this.(intake whoofing being my personal fav)

considering there's been dozens of "my engine is noisy", "what's that clicking noise", "is this normal" types of posts on the board regarding our bikes' drivelines, thought i'd post this quote from arguably the finest motorcycle journalist alive regarding the XB12 Ulysses he purchased new in the summer of 2010. i give you none other than Peter Egan:
"plainly put, i love this Buell Ulysses for everything it is and all that it isn't. it has comfort and reliability in spades, prodigious torque, interesting lines,incredibly simple maintenance procedures accomplished with basic hand tools, outside-the-box thinking regarding brakes, fluid containers, exhaust placement...the list is admirably long. granted that the sportster-derived driveline produces a cacaphony of primary chain whirring, exhaust huffing, valve train clatter, cam gear clicking and intake whoofing all in the name of air-cooled power production...much the same as any quality garden tractor engine is prone to do. i find all this fairly subtle racket to be not only satisfying but a large provider of "character" which is something sorely lacking in most 21st century machinery."
Peter Egan
Cycle World online posting
For those of us less eloquent souls I say "thank you!! to those of you who write and speak so well."

People frequently ask about my smile :) as I approach my bike, or about my **** eating grin :D at the end of a ride. Now when I quote you, with your permission fireinxb, I will have a much better response than "You wouldn't understand" .

LOL thanks guys, of course you can quote me ;). You know what's funny is when I first got this thing running the valve-train noise scared the **** out of me. I thought the thing was going to grenade right there. NOW, i really like the way it sounds like its about to blow up all the time. I actually like that sound quite a bit.

Thanks for reading my novel everyone, i had gotten home from a little ride and had so much going through my head about this bike I had to share my thoughts.

I will always tell people a Buell XB isn't for everyone.. not at the slightest. BUT, if you like everything about it, there is really no reason not to have one.
I will always tell people a Buell XB isn't for everyone.. not at the slightest. BUT, if you like everything about it, there is really no reason not to have one.

they are an "acquired taste" as i like to say. just like a beemer.
Awesome write up! It's great to know there is a place I can go where there are people that share my passion for Buell. Things the wife could not understand even if I tried to explain it. Thanks for this great post. I love my ******* XB! [up]
Hi , guys i own a Ducat Monster S4R and feel the same way you feel about the Buell . Now i have got the Buell bug as i found a XB12STT 2007 perfect nick with a Drummer exhaust , odo 10 000 km / 6000 mile is servicing ( believe you need some sort of diagnostic tool/ gadget) you plug in otherwise you cant service ?.
Also getting parts !

My main concern is here in Cape Town South Africa to find someone who can work on the bike etc.

Cape Town South Africa " Bike Riders Dream "
I bought mine new in 04 and still feel the same way..

" I *******. Love. This. Bike. I still drool over it while I walk up to it in a parking lot, I still giggle like a little girl carving canyons with it, I still get that feeling in my gut"

Every time.. I even like just looking at it in the garage all winter long... Nice rite up!
I've had my Buell for about 7 months now and I fell in love with it the first time I took it out for a ride. It's my first bike and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. I love people's looks at stop lights and the occasional old guy that looks over and says "Nice Buell brother". Very well written write up! [up][up]
Very well written. I couldn't have said it better. +1 [up][up]
Every time I start up my Buell I laugh menacingly to myself thinking how she's gonna tear up the streets.
Every time I start up my Buell I laugh menacingly to myself thinking how she's gonna tear up the streets.

HA. Yes.

When I start my 1125 in the morning it sounds like a freaking large caliber automatic weapon with my Drummer on there. Car alarms **** themselves in fear as far as 3 floors up. Then there I am saying, "Good morning sweetie, are you ready for some fun?"

I still can't decide which is more fun, my old XB9 CityX or this 1125.
Very nice write up! Don't think I could disagree with anything you wrote! There are positives and negatives with the bike itself and views others have of it. With that being said, it is and I believe will remain my favorite bike. I currently have, buell wise, an '03 xb9r with some mods. Definitely look to add at least another buell to the stables at some point. Got a killer deal on an '04 zx10r from a buddy recently that I couldn't pass up so that'll soon be sitting next to my buell soon and delaying me from getting another buell anytime soon. :-/
Hopefully I'll be able to add an S at some point.

Do what you love! Not what everyone else loves!
Great choice of words......glad I'm not alone in this feeling, must admit after I've tucked her into the shed at night sometimes I just stand back & admire her[cool]
I know its a year later but I came across this thread and completely agree! I have always been about having something different then everyone else and I have received more compliments than anything about my bike. Some people complain saying you can't ride a sport bike long distances... I did a 12-hr day on mine and I wasn't any worse off than my buddy on his cruiser. Agree.... ******. Love. This. Bike. 08 XB12R.
Fawning adulation aside, Where were those pix taken in the opening post? Ski resort somewhere,, and along the road, just wondering.