My mystery...

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May 25, 2014
This is kinda 2 questions in one. So im coming over a hill around 60 mph and theres some idiots standing in the middle of the road. So i get on the brakes pretty hard and then when i try to go, the belts gone and it wasnt that old. So first question, could braking real hard snap the belt?

Now after further inspection i see the rear bolt for the sprocket cover fell out. In my mind, either the loose shield or bolt could have cut the belt too, which seems more likely. But now for my real question, what does that bolt screw into? Im pretty sure theres supposed to be something in that pivot shaft for it to screw into, but nothings there and theres nothing illustrated in my service manual. The local dealer was no help and im out of ideas.

Pic for reference:
The center of that pivot bolt should be threaded to accept the rear bolt of the cover. The belt is supposed to be pretty strong but I would guess if something were riding against it for any period of time its bound to cause some damage. Sorry to hear about the belt going. I don't know if its just the pic but that swingarm looks awfully close to the tensioner pulley don't know if that's a possible issue. Check with a flashlight though, there should be threads deep in that hole in the pivot. Hopefully they didn't strip out on you.
Should be threads in the hex shaped whole to the left of the pulley in ur pic for the cover.