Need fuel for a debate

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Apr 5, 2019
Dallas Tejas
Ok for the past month ive had my 04 XB12s torn down under construction. Rebuilding brakes, cleaned up some wiring, and replace the intake gaskets and port gaskets. Before i parked the bike i was have some issues with backfiring, low idle and dying. Ever since ive had the bike 8mths now, ive had a horrible shake when i hit 80mph which ive been slowly chasing down trying to correct. Replaced neck bearings, wheel bearing and fork seals and it still shakes. Other than these 2 issues the bike has done really well. So i did my port gaskets had a couple issues but got it done. I did the motor rotation and didnt have any issues. As i ways getting things back together i had to install the belt and went to loosen the rear axle but the axle was straight seized wiuldnt budge! I broke a socket driver, a homemade axle tool (that ive had for years and always worked) even broke a extended wrench, last resort was a 5/8 impact and still wouldnt brake loose. Yes i removed the pinch bolt, yes i was turning L to loosen. After a couple days of hell i finally got it loose. It took a better quality long socket wrench and 2 days of spraying wd40. But when it broke loose..the bearings seized on the axle so when im trying to loosen it up the wheel would follow the axle and start pushing into the swingarm. So thanks to some advice i simply used a rubber mallet hitting the tire and the axle slowly came out. So after all this i inspected the NEW bearing that have less than 1k miles on them and they no longer spin. Bearings are ****ed. I thought the axle would be ****ed too..but i stuck it back through the swingarm (wo the tim) and it screwed in by hand no issues.
Now my debate starts here..i had a tech from my shop install a rear tire 3mths ago and he didnt antiseize the axle. But now im in a argument with my shop guys..for 1. The hate buells 2. Know nothing about them. However they say its not that it wasnt antiseized its because my swingarm is ****ed. Keep in mind, before i removed the wheel it spun freely, no wobble, no resistance. My axle looks like its been freshly machined down, when i know for a fact it wasnt like that before...New bearing will be here tomorrow and ill go to fit things back up. So whats your opinions or experiences on this?
on 4-27-2019 you commenced a thread focusing on a serious handling problem. i responded and told you what was causing it.
clearly neither you nor any of these "shop techs" ever properly addressed it. how do i know? simple. the problem back then is precisely what lead to the problem you now have.

now you're posting a scenario SPECIFICALLY CAUSED by both inexperience...ineptitude....usage of inferior or damaged parts; or a combination of all three. both the reason this happened AND the answer to your question is glaringly simple but i'll defer to others to resolve this for you.
I was done with this guy his second post. He is clearly a troll of the same cloth as the TeaBag.... if not Teabag himself.
First mistake was having someone work on a Buell that knows nothing about them. We missed you TEABAG!!!
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Sounds like you are overlooking your issue and if all your motor mounts are tight,suspension dialed in and up to par, tires balanced, rims true, new neck bearings, wheel bearings and it was still not fixed when you brought it to a shop that knows nothing about Buells ( bad idea IMHO ) what exactly are you expecting to get from them? If i had to throw crap at a wall to see what sticks I'd bet you twisted your axle or the PO did, just because it screwed in doesn't mean it hasn't been tweaked, same goes for the pivot bolt. Double check your spacers also within the wheel hub, those can easily be destroyed and by the sounds of things I don't think it's safe to say anything is actually right or has been done right. Did you read the article that John linked for you in your last post? If it was me I'd personally buy a new axle before I put that old one on again that is now either too clean or has been machined down? Pics would help
Your learning why most of us do repairs ourselves or at least those of us that are capable, those that aren't bring their bikes to those that are or find a good local wrench.
Four things,
1- Always follow recommendations from the guru's.
2- Never use WD-40 for loosening anything, use PB blaster instead.
3- Always buy the best tools or don't do the job !
4- Can I have first dibs for the parts from your bike ?
If you suspect shop dicked around with the axle, just buy a used one off ebay or some place.
Your learning why most of us do repairs ourselves or at least those of us that are capable, those that aren't bring their bikes to those that are or find a good local wrench.
Four things,
1- Always follow recommendations from the guru's.
2- Never use WD-40 for loosening anything, use PB blaster instead.
3- Always buy the best tools or don't do the job !
4- Can I have first dibs for the parts from your bike ?

1- Always follow recommendations from the guru's.

On the internet everyone is a guru...always follow the manual.

2- Never use WD-40 for loosening anything, use PB blaster instead.

WD-40 works fine for the task he described.

3- Always buy the best tools or don't do the job !

$15 dollar set of wrenches will let a young kid perform plenty of work safe/satisfactory. No need for name brand.


Also id love to entertain the ideal of the 3 resr wheel bearings modification..something that should have been done in the first place.
Hi TeXB12s,

I took the time to read all, but all, your post.
I'm not very sound with my English so I would like you confirm that the workshop where you first bring your Buell is your own workshop used to work on the Japs.
Excuse me for my question but are you just the owner, as anybody could be, or are also the 'tech head' of the business?
Buells are different, but not so different...:confused::confused:
Breath Guy, don't take things personal and just work with the people trying to still help. LunaticFringe is IMO one of the if not the "Guru" of this site, so if there is only one person to listen to it should be him. if you have done some research you can see many of these members put in countless hours helping others who already think they know the answers or don't take the advice the first time then come back with it again just to not listen, not saying this is you. Anyway, pics of the axle seem ok. Changing the swingarm is not a direct swap with the newer years as you probably know but the newer designs are more reliable, though I put 23k on my original orange seals and were still good when I replaced them but be steady, check through your rear end before you put it together and if it all looks good and all the work is performed properly hopefully it'll do the trick, if not just keep at it. You said the shop told you your swinarm was junk, is this true? also see if there are any fellow Buellers near by who can help.
Hey napsack84,

Has following the manual found the O-rings you need for your fuel pump ?

Quote Texb12
" It took a better quality long socket wrench and 2 days of spraying wd40 "
I guess you thoroughly read his post ! Your an idiot looking for an argument.
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