Unless you know 100% for sure the part you are replacing is bad, it's a guess. Correct complete OE fuel pumps, and even pieced together 're-build kits' from someones garage are expensive enough, IMHO I would recommend a proper test before spending your hard earned cash on a total guess.
49psi is stock pressure spec and easy to check with either an adaptor, or if you are handy, you can drill and tap the fuel block to 1/8" FPT and add a shrader fitting for an easy check, even while riding. If that is beyond your comfort level, taking it out and examining it by eye is another good and FREE clue. You want to replace it anyway right?
A great cheat to remove the fuel pump is to hang the rear of the bike by the rafters or an a-frame ladder, remove the rear shock lower bolt to let the swing arm hang, and that will give you enough clearance to remove the fuel pump. It's pretty typical to find the sock deteriorated (universal, $3) wires chaffed ($5 for a spool of wire), or the supply hose cracked (3/8" $4/ft for FI line). Even doing all of that will leave you enough beer money for the weekend instead of racking up credit card debt with a guess:eagerness:
Have fun!:angel: