B Buggs_ New member Joined Jul 19, 2011 Messages 2 Nov 18, 2011 #1 Does anyone live near the staples center in downtown Los Angeles, who can read/scan my bike for codes? I will greatly appreciate it and pay some money upfront. buell xb12r 2008 Where the L.A buell riders at??!
Does anyone live near the staples center in downtown Los Angeles, who can read/scan my bike for codes? I will greatly appreciate it and pay some money upfront. buell xb12r 2008 Where the L.A buell riders at??!
A anrkizm95 Well-known member Joined Mar 27, 2010 Messages 7,805 Nov 18, 2011 #2 how to pull codes http://www.bcrider.com/DDFI.html
T theoctopus Well-known member Joined Jul 22, 2009 Messages 2,101 Nov 18, 2011 #3 I'm in East LA about 5 minutes away from downtown. I can help you with that, or tuning, if you'd like.
I'm in East LA about 5 minutes away from downtown. I can help you with that, or tuning, if you'd like.
B Buggs_ New member Joined Jul 19, 2011 Messages 2 Dec 9, 2011 #4 @anrkizm95 thanks for the info @theoctopus Yes I would like your help Can you message me your contact info so we can meet asap
@anrkizm95 thanks for the info @theoctopus Yes I would like your help Can you message me your contact info so we can meet asap
S Stevenc150 Well-known member Joined Aug 12, 2008 Messages 5,144 Dec 12, 2011 #5 Here's his site: The Tuniversity