Kyle i can offer two suggestions from past incidents involving me, first put your bike in a shop when ins co are paying storage things move alot quicker fine a shop you trust tell em the story ,cut your deal with em and let em fight for ya shops are always willing to help out (at least i am ) also lie through your teeth even if she say i was goin the opposite direction he hit me , blah blah blah . whatever the story . after i got hit the guy admitted fault verbally to the cop and i , 3 days later i get a call saying i ran into a guy , i told the lady where it happen and all the scneriios told her i had verbal admitance of fault and that he was lying , and the manager of a big ins co told me "IT AINT A LIE IF YA DONT GET CAUGHT " so im not telling you to say chewbacca ran out in front of you but persuede them with the way you tell the story . sorry for a long post just tryna be helpful