New buell and two 2 week curses!

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Sep 5, 2009
Howdy. 1st post, but have been following the board for some time. Well since it's only got almost 300 miles, and is 4 months old, I've come to the conclusion that San Francisco hates my XB12R.

Two weeks to the day I got my brand spanking new 2009 XB12R, I was cut off on the Bay Bridge and lowsided. Pretty much demolished the right side as well as breaking my right collar bone, shoulder blade and ankle. That was at 187 miles on the odometer. Insurance fixed the bike up, and I was able to store it in my neighbors garage space until I healed.

Now my neighbor has a new roommate with a car, so I lost the garage. Pretty much the only ride it's seen lately is around the block to alternate parking on the street. I took a little ride on Saturday to see how I felt on it, and left it parked in front of my house. Wake up Sunday to a note from my neighbor that someone from the bar next door backed into my bike, knocked it over and took off. His friend picked it back up so it didn't lay in the street all night. Broke the left mirror, turn signals, tail light, scuffed the tail piece and shift lever. This is now at 287 miles and two weeks to the day I lost the garage space.

Well, at least I have an excuse to put the 2010 LED taillight on and get some bar end mirrors that I can actually see behind me with. Looking forward to when I can actually start riding my bike. Plus my down time let me do the breather re-route & K&N filter as well.

Y'all are a trove of information for new Buellers, and I'm still catching up on a number of mods here.
Damn that sucks. I would lock it somewhere safe and stay off it when the next two week anniversary comes up
You're cursed. The bike isn't. Hang in there man. It's seriously a cool ride. Get one of those aftermarket pipes and the rattling sound goes away. Wait till after all the bad luck disappears though.
Next thing to happen is it will get stolen, Cali has the highest rate of stolen Bikes in the US. If you are just leaving it out you are just asking for it to get stolen.

Welcome and Good luck.
Welcome to board and the buell family. I'm in monterey, and there are several of us Buellers in the bay area. Shoot me a PM if you ever need a riding buddy.
New housing arrangements are being worked on for it. Trying to get the roommate to get rid of his BMW he hasn't ridden for years so I can fit it in our garage amongst his car & other crap in there. Well, his girlfriend is really working on that part. SF garages aren't the most spacious. I just leave it in a friend's garage a couple blocks away until my body's ready to ride regularly again.

Thanks for the welcome.
I had the worst luck with my old XB9R. had a buddy of mine sit on it, he obviously hadnt ever sat on a motorcycle because he forgot which side the kickstand was on, and dropped it, breaking the front brake lever and the right side foot peg. 2 weeks later some ******* pulled into a parking space next to me and broke the mirror and the same footpeg again because he was driving a big ass F350 and trying to park in a compact space..
Welcome to the Forum Jay. :D[up] Sorry to hear of all the troubles. Good thing is, that'll hopefully all disappear once you get her out on the asphault. ;)
browland and kona are on the money, bring your baby inside if you can!
Or if it's outside and you have a big dog ;)

welcome to the best Buell forum on the net, were glad your here
Dude,that sucks-I feel ya,ouch!
I've always had fun in sf on a bike, but maybee that's because I only visit the city, I live up in sonoma cty.
Take care of that collarbone! I broke mine about 13 yrs ago when some lost idiot on a vfr pulled outta the road in front of me &stopped like a deer in my headlights-I T-boned him@55 mph.
He didn't get a scratch,lucky bastard, me& my bike were destroyed.

Long story short keep your shoulders strapped back,if you can,the collar bone should be ad straight &in line ad you can get it to fusse in a good spot-
I learned the hard way.
But with your shoulder blade ,it sounds very difficult....
I'll do you one better went down the first weekend I had the bike with my wife watching. She almost marched me into the dealership to return it. She hates it still I love it. Things happen as long as your safe you can tear down and rebuild the bike better faster and stronger!

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