new ECU

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2012
Hey all-

I swapped out the ECU on my Firebolt because I got a consistent code 53 which means "bad ECU" (even though the bike still ran fine... I just don't cherish the idea of it breaking down in the middle of nowhere.) Well, now it runs extremely rough with the replacement and I didn't even attempt to ride it. I am thinking maybe the replacement ECU is really not for an '03 XB9 like the seller said or maybe the TPS needs to be reset.The original ECU (which itself was a replacement by a previous owner) has the code BX9US20CB050 and the one I just installed is BX9US20CB060 so only the second to the last digit is different. I am guessing that it may not matter but I don't know. I would think if it wasn't the right ECU the bike probably wouldn't run at all, but again, I don't know. I could really use the two cents of more experienced members. I don't want to proceed with TPS reset (that too will be a learning experience for me) if the new ECU is wrong. Thanks a bunch!
You should tps reset it. Next go on a nice long ride so the computer can learn your bike. It still thinks it is hooked up to the po's bike.
050 and 060 are both for 2003 XB9, and either one can or cannot say "race" on module due to fact that not all "race" programmed modules in 2003 had that specific wording on them. problem is you don't know exactly what the contents of your replacement ecm is. stock with loaded "race" maps? stock? owner modified mapping? what?
others will chime in but i would think that establishing a baseline would be the place to start. hope that it is stock with unmodified stock mapping, check your spark plugs, and reset the tps.
Thanks for the replies. It is supposed to be a stock ECU, so I think I should assume that is and proceed with a TPS reset. That's a whole other topic for me. From what I've read, it seems that you can't just go out and buy the software and 10 minutes later be good to go. I need to read/research some more. I just want to be able to reset the TPS without screwing anything up. Does anyone know if there's a thread on here dealing with "TPS reset for dummies"? The posts I've read seem mostly to deal with race maps and are too advanced and too complicated for what I want to do and what I can understand...
I just want to be able to reset the TPS without screwing anything up. Does anyone know if there's a thread on here dealing with "TPS reset for dummies"?

here ya go ya dummy! LOL's quite simple.
locate ecm under your fairing on firebolt
plug patch cable from port to your computer. confirm good connection and bike communicating with ecmspy
turn on ignition, turn on red run switch. confirm with needle sweep
go to ecmspy program, use tab for throttel reset and confirm
blip throttle and you should see bar graph move and tps value change up and down. that confirms communication between bike and spy program.
loosen throttle cable adjuster barrel approx. 2 turns or so. you're looking for some play in the throttle cable. the barrel you want to loosen is towards the FRONT of the throttle control assembly.
now turn your idle speed adjustment screw outward/counter-clockwise until you see a throttle value of 0. if above 0 blip throttle several times and keep turning screw until you see 0. do NOT turn screw so far that it dislodges itself from the adjuster housing at the throttle body.
once achieving 0 click tab for TPS RESET on your spy program.
now turn the idle speed adjustment screw in/clockwise until you achieve a value of 5.1-5.5 i prefer 5.1
readjust throttle cable adjuster barrel to remove twist grip slop and you're done.
take it for a nice gentle 20 mile ride if possible and avoid full-throttle runs until learn is achieved.
addition to above. if done correctly you'll probably have an idle speed of approx. 1100rpm or so. start bike and confirm. after bike is sufficiently warm readjust curb idle speed if necessary to appropriate warm idle speed. i like an even 1000rpm on my buells.
Lunatic- thanks for the detailed instructions - I appreciate it! I've been reading posts on the ecmspy software. I see that it has to purchased from a German (?) website. I'll also have get a cable and it looks like I'm going to have to pick up a cheap windows- based net book or used laptop since my laptop is a Mac.
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Thanks buddy - you made my day! There is light at the end of the tunnel! I have a junker PC minus a monitor so I'm going to brave the crazy Christmas crowd and go out shopping for a cheap monitor. Everyone else is getting ready for Christmas and all I can think about is my bike - LOL! You and yours have a great Christmas and safe New Years!
this helped me to see the process. Anytime I make a change, I reset the tps and afv. Then take a leisurely ride going through all the gears while staying under 4000rpm. In a 15min ride it should find where it wants to be.
I put this on a different thread, but I'm happy to report that I got the program to connect to the Bike's ECU. I cleared the trouble codes. I met my buddies yesterday and went on a 30 mile ride and the check engine light did not come back on. I'm thinking that the code 53 might have been a historical code that was somehow triggered the last time I was swapping ECUs around. I don't know... as long as it doesn't come back, I don't care. This is the ECU that came with the bike so I if I don't have to swap the other one in, I'll have an extra if I ever need it. Between work and the Super Bowl, I didn't have time to get into a TPS reset, but I think that will be the next thing. The throttle response is a little bit choppy sometimes when taking off from a standstill. A reset might help that. I managed to get a screen shot of the main screen. The bike hadn't been run at all that day. I don't think it tells anything valuable, but it's interesting to look at:

Hey all, I'm clear on the TPS reset procedure - yes, it's not complicated. It looks like ECM Spy is not fully communicating with the bike. I assumed because it pulls up maps & data and I can retrieve and clear trouble codes that all was well. When attempting to reset the TPS, the percentage value doesn't change and the bar graph doesn't respond. I snapped the throttle and no response and I backed off the idle adjustment screw (put it back where it was after that) and likewise no response from the program. If I exit the program and open it back up, it does update the information... It just won't do it real time (I also started the bike while connected and no response). I'm not a computer whiz and most of my experience is with Macs not PC's. I think the problem might be the driver but I don't know which variation is on the computer or which one I need or how to change it. I just don't know what to do at this point. Can one of smarter guys point me in the right direction?
click on the overview tab and then the two keys ,your values on the throttle should go up and down then. You have to click on the two keys.
I've had some time to get familiar with the ECM spy software. I just finished swapping out the ECM. I reset the TPS and adjusted the idle. The bike reached full operating temp and was running for a while - no check engine light! I need to road test it to be absolutely sure all is well, but so far so good! A big THANKS to everyone who helped me! I also found this video on YouTube.... looks like one of our own. It was helpful too because it gave me a visual of the process. It actually takes longer to get the front fairing off! I changed my iPhone battery today too... I'm ready to take something else apart now!
I know this is no biggie for you long time Buellers but I am friggin delerious ... No more riding with a check engine light working my nerves and now the bike is running better than ever - especially at low speeds. I didn't know any better before.