new member with a XB12R

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
well guys i just recently took over payments on my buddies 04 xb12r and have a few questions.

this bike has a Buell race pipe on it and i think thats all as far as mods go. ive been reading on here all day just looking at things in genral and have come to the conclusion can do just one mod only as far as the exhaust or air intake without having to a custom tune
I always recommend the custom tune but you really dont need it with just a pipe. If you are super picky about performance than I would do it, but the easy and cheapest way out is the EBR Race ECM. I believe their tune is with a race pipe and a hi-flow filter. Its 250 bucks but you cant modify it any, but I hear its awesome. I have the Jardine Pro-tune 3 on my 1125R and will get the Dyno master Scott Crawford to tune it from Cycle Werkz.
Race pipe is compatible with race ecm files loaded on bike's ecm and a K&N or Buell 'race' filter.
You can see your map and upload others with ECMSpy.
I have an '04, too. If you want copy of '04 race ecm files, and/or ECMSpy, let me know.
If it has a race pipe, it most likely has a race ECM. You can take front fairing off to look at the ECM. If it says "for race use only" on it, it's a race ECM. At that point, check your air filter. If it's white paper, it's stock, if it's gray, it's a race filter, and if it's red, it's a K&N. You should have a race or K&N on if you're running a race map.
well im out of town right now and the bike is still at my buddies house so i cant look at anything myself. i did mention it to him and hes going to look at it and see.............just to satisfy his curiosity.
here's a couple of pics

From what I know, we don't need your money. Just your first born. LOL! Nah man, I don't think money is involved here unless your gonna buy something.
as rotten as my son is i cant let him far as the wallet thing goes...i am a member on a dodge forum and every time i get on there i wanna buy or do somthing else to my truck.
im just going to keep her the way she is for now.....except im going to do the breather mod. other than that i will just ride her.
yah i need to....just thinking of doing the cheap skate board wheel mod for the axle's. how much do the factory frame protectors close to me has no idea what im talking about.
Nice bike, welcome aboard, I recomend downloading the manuals at the top of here since one is for an 03 and the other is for an 05 you should be good some were in the middle. I also agree with nuage that a set of pucks and some slidders would be a great investment in the event of a tip over or crash
dealer just informed me that 07 and older frame/tank protectors are obsolete and he has no way of findings any. he said that the 08 and up use a diffrent style...will these work with the older bikes of is he just blowing smoke up my @$$
There are only two types the ones for the short frame and ones for the long frames firebolts all have the short frames no matter the year. The long frames are the ss, tt, x, and xt. All of the rest are the short frame
looked online and found part number [93001-03YA] cost $49.95 will have to order and it will take about 5 days to come in.

its funny how when you call with just a part number and give no other info that the once unatainable is now avalible.
Thats HD. I asked them about a fender eliminator...they said "what's that?" And that, ladies and gentlemen, is who are working on our bikes. scary thought. If you dont have a part number, they usually let go in one year and out the other.