A member here named "Beullybagger", a body shop pro, has a great refinishing thread on here - this is what he recently posted to me about polishing up the plastics (quoting him here):
"If the scratches just barely catch ur finger nail they would easily sand out with 1500-2000 and then buff. If they're pretty deep u can start with as heavy as 600 and work ur way up 800, 1000, 1200/1500, 2000 so on then buff. I like to use 3M TRI-ZACT 3000 to finish my sanding procedure it makes it way easier to buff and makes the finish product very smooth (it doesn't appear to have ever been sanded no matter how close u look)....U guys will have to experiment on which rubbing compounds work best on these Plastics though. I really only use the 3M system that is body shop safe (no or very little silicone). There are more silicone based polishing compounds that may work better."