New member with an XB9R in Lawrence KS (with pics)

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Oh yeah, check out Bear racing he's in Lawrence too. And currently building a track buell

you know its a small world. i am on several forums and never near anybody.

i work for a wholsaler in lawrence and a customer of mine does work for the facility that he works for. (confusing after i reread that) my customer was telling me all about b.j. and his racing. heck he even said that b.j. almost bought this very bike.
you guys hould check this out too. its a weekly meetup i started several months back. its a really cool group.

havent had one for several weeks now due to the pansies around here who store their bikes for the winter and wont ride unless ite 60 or above. we will be kickin ass in the spring though!
I almost went and looked at that bike. It was on craigslist and it was cheap. U got a good deal on that bike. I bought a CG out of Topeka/Manhattan area instead. Polish those plastic pieces up, they will come back to life with a little work.

Welcome to the board!
he had it listed for 1800 and the morning i bought it he had just lowered the ad to 1200. i called him and as soon as i got off work i pulled a trailer down to ottawa. lets just say i payed under asking price... :)
Yeah, B.J. Is a cool guy. I'll check out your group, and I'll post up something for some BBQ whenever we can all get together (warmer outside :D)
A member here named "Beullybagger", a body shop pro, has a great refinishing thread on here - this is what he recently posted to me about polishing up the plastics (quoting him here):

"If the scratches just barely catch ur finger nail they would easily sand out with 1500-2000 and then buff. If they're pretty deep u can start with as heavy as 600 and work ur way up 800, 1000, 1200/1500, 2000 so on then buff. I like to use 3M TRI-ZACT 3000 to finish my sanding procedure it makes it way easier to buff and makes the finish product very smooth (it doesn't appear to have ever been sanded no matter how close u look)....U guys will have to experiment on which rubbing compounds work best on these Plastics though. I really only use the 3M system that is body shop safe (no or very little silicone). There are more silicone based polishing compounds that may work better."
thanks for the warm welcome guys! im always down to ride bikes and eat bbq so anytime just let me know

i am off next week so well see what these plastics wind up looking like