New motor that would be perfect in a XB

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EBR & Motus partnership? maby...or keep the rotax coming...either way EBR needs to start mass producing asap!
This motor is totally awesome. You might be able to get it into a tuber but with the way the xb frame is I don't know how it would be possible.
I would like one in an XB as well as a smart car . Hell I got a Joyner go cart that would fit nicely in .
Motus has a couple of bikes they were going to ride to Daytona . for some reason I couldn't get the video to load
That motor is sick!Love the music it played on the dyno!! Not all of the people who look at it will be on board with it,but how many were when Buell first came out? This bike,should it work out and get to the public,will set new standards and a new level of what American sportbikes are bout.[up]
Not Sportbike. Sport Touring. It is over weight and underpowered especially per displacement not too mention it's longitudinal arrangement though novel, isn't sound engineering for a real and true purposeful "Sport Bike".

It's neat, sounds cool, but technology wise it makes American's look behind just like the XB engines and unlike the 1125 engines. 2 valves per cylinder, pushrod single cam? Pheft.... 1600cc's and less then 200 hp?

[up] for another American company taking on different ideas!
[down] for backwards technology, the only innovations is mounting it longitudinal and that is only a Novel idea at best as it has no benefits other than looking cool and Hot Rod-ish

On a drag bike or even a custom, this is badass, but on a sport bike? F-NO. Would make for some really sweet customs though.

Just my opinions...

Agreed. I was wondering when someone would mention the longitudinal mounting. It's not exactly an ideal setup for a bike due to the torque reaction.

This could be an AWESOME competitor for the Honda VFR but is certainly less than ideal for a true supersport.
Check out the Newest American Bike Not sure yet when? www.roehr motorcycles .com if you want to see about options to overseas production bikes. In time maybe there will be a couple of OTHER inventors that will follow Erik Buells lead. I hope we as a Country can show the rest of the Biking World Industry that Americans are just as good at this as the rest of the World. Yes I know the Roehr has a V-Twin taken to the next level. I myself am hoping all these little Peek A look bike Pictures will soon come to Frution.We'll See!!!;):D
The Roehr is a V-Twin/Charged V-Rod engine. Been in Testing for a while now. The F#%#ng H/D is supposed to be (swearing) that it's 100% American This Time. We will see! Personally I hope Erik Buell is coming out With a Production Super Bike that will Rival this One just Because #1-he is a bike Racer, and builder. #2-I really WANT one of those 1190 Babes to go to Track for Hell on Wheels Day. The Roehr (TO ME) is something Harley has probably had in the works LONG before Erik was Used to Bring The old harley line of bikes back to life. The Roehr will supposedly bring the younger people back into the Showrooms. AFTER ALL, it is a HD engine. Parts at the Counter. This is Why I Have A Buell Not because of the dealer it's because of an AMERICAN that has his Roots in racing. AS far as that 4 cyl. I would'nt mind having the engine to build a Muscle style bike around it as well. Probably would make a great custom Trike engine. Just finished UP a small Chevy V-6,for a Trike Took nearly 4 months for the GIRL/Lady to afford. AS my youngest employee would say. DAMN, Jimi thats Bangin! [smirk][up]
The Roehr is being produced by an independent company and has NOTHING TO DO WITH HARLEY DAVIDSON except that Walter Roehrich (Owner, Proprietor and CEO) had to go with the VR1000 style engines because that heavy pathetic underpowered lump of an engine is the closest thing Americans produce that isn't 40 years behind technology (Much like the new 2 valve pushrod KMV4). He HAD to add a super charger to it because it was so underpowered for it's displacement and weight. But, what other American produced engines does he have a choice with? Harley has no stakes, stocks, or money into Roehr. He is an American trying to produce American Sport/Super bikes and is using what is available that is American much like Erik had to do.

I love the concept of the motor, but turn it 90 degrees like a regular bike.

I bet the thing has ungodly amounts of torque!
(my favorite thing about my XB)

I'm all about the pushrods.
[up][up]plus 1 BuellerPilot.

please people I dont like or want to be rude but please dont Insult an American Entrepreneur, and inventor/Engineer such as Mr Walter Roehrich , by believing what some of the media and HD sales people and HD riders that says that Roehr is a part of HD or that HD has had this in the works for somtime or any other BS , because they have NO REAL CLUE ,&/or they are so jealous of an american sportbike that they want it to be HD or have some claim of HD having a hand in it , or something..
He is merely only buying the engines only from HD just like anyone else can do to to have a enigine to put in a motorcycle that they are building, custom or otherwise...

see for yourself...

From his high school years onward Walter Roehrich has immersed himself in the field of engineering. At high school his talents were recognized when he received the “Outstanding Technical Student Award, National Honor Society.” That spurred him on to study mechanical engineering at College of Lake County. From there he attended the prestigious Spartan School of Aeronautics in Tulsa, Oklahoma where he graduated with a degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology and soon after received his FAA Airframe and Power-plant Certificate. Surprisingly he left the field of aeronautics and and moved into the automotive industry and worked for Porsche/Audi as a Master Tecnician. He later expanded his talents into the field of Automotive Dealership Management as Service Director