So... a certain forum member... I'm not going to mention any names, but its CoOter (who is a j3rk, btw), has been having too much fun racing motorcycles with Bubbles the past couple of years. So, after much heckling, teasing and hurt feelings on my behalf, I caved and picked up a Yamaha R3.
My first TRACKDAY is coming up in February and Bubbles already registered me in the Powder Puff age 6-11 division, which she thinks I should be very competitive in, at least until the girls take the training wheels off their bicycles.
Wish me luck! :black_eyed:

My first TRACKDAY is coming up in February and Bubbles already registered me in the Powder Puff age 6-11 division, which she thinks I should be very competitive in, at least until the girls take the training wheels off their bicycles.
Wish me luck! :black_eyed:

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