New motorcycle for me (also... WTF is wrong with me??)

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Mar 6, 2015
Kolache Factory
So... a certain forum member... I'm not going to mention any names, but its CoOter (who is a j3rk, btw), has been having too much fun racing motorcycles with Bubbles the past couple of years. So, after much heckling, teasing and hurt feelings on my behalf, I caved and picked up a Yamaha R3.

My first TRACKDAY is coming up in February and Bubbles already registered me in the Powder Puff age 6-11 division, which she thinks I should be very competitive in, at least until the girls take the training wheels off their bicycles.

Wish me luck! :black_eyed::cool:

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I thought that the Bergman 650 Executive Scooter was made by Suzuki......not Yamaha? :very_drunk::congratulatory:
I thought that the Bergman 650 Executive Scooter was made by Suzuki......not Yamaha? :very_drunk::congratulatory:

Honestly, I think the Burgman will outrun this bike. I've always thought it would be cool to get one of those in the Executive trim and go hunting 883 Sportsters.

I think this will be a lot of fun, regardless. Its kind of funny that my ...ahem "race bike".... is the most stock and least powerful of all of the motorcycles I've owned over the past 20 years.

I even joined a race team!


Which is awesome, until I saw this....

I think the appropriate question is what's right with you? Powerful or not that thing is sweet!
Its all fun and games till someone mentions 'race' and the visor goes down. Then people can lose an eye!
You ain't kidding! Sure, everyone likes winning, but I was never raised to be sport-o competitive. My life 'wins' were independent or personal, so in that vein I've done regular track days for well over a decade for adrenaline and to expand my motorcycling skill-set.

But racing? WOW. NOTHING compares to waiting for that green flag to wave and let loose a bunch of adrenaline pumped monkeys to all shoot for the first corner..... Except maybe a last lap pass:triumphant:
That's super cool! My very first bike was an R3 as well. Gotta love that 40hp! I always thought that engine was going to detonate every time I got it past 6000rpm or so.
The front springs were super soft, even for my measly 155lb. Putting in some spacers to add preload was a cheap and easy fix.

LMK if you ever make it to a track anywhere close to NorCal. I'll bring my 10speed and see if I can keep up with you and Cooter.
That's super cool! My very first bike was an R3 as well. Gotta love that 40hp! I always thought that engine was going to detonate every time I got it past 6000rpm or so.
The front springs were super soft, even for my measly 155lb. Putting in some spacers to add preload was a cheap and easy fix.

LMK if you ever make it to a track anywhere close to NorCal. I'll bring my 10speed and see if I can keep up with you and Cooter.

Yours made 40hp? You gotta share your secret! LOL.

I figure a set of springs and heavier oil are in my near future. I have a set of preload adjusters on the way, which I was planning on using with a spacer. Because I like cheeseburgers.

Cooter keeps trying to sell me on Ohlins or a set of Gabriel Hi-Jackers he had on the El Camino.
Well, I am now shopping for a race suit. Man, those things are difficult to get into.

Cooter: You have to ease into it, like a latex gimp suit.
Me: How do you suggest I do that?
Cooter: Some people use baby powder, but I am a firm believer in cornstarch.
Me: Not the gimp suit!

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Im pretty certain the fact Cooter knows the best way to enter a Gimp Suit points to its not his first time. The fact your even asking his adivce 0n Gimp suit entry has me concerned.

Is it a suit with a zipper mouth or crutch? oooo maybe a gag ball?? asking for a friend.
Im pretty certain the fact Cooter knows the best way to enter a Gimp Suit points to its not his first time. The fact your even asking his adivce 0n Gimp suit entry has me concerned.

Is it a suit with a zipper mouth or crutch? oooo maybe a gag ball?? asking for a friend.

That 1pc track suit was no joke to get in and out of. Especially since the first one I tried on was a size too small. If for whatever reason you decide to buy one for the first time, make sure you have someone there help you. Don't just grab a couple and head off to the fitting rooms to try them on. You will need someone to help you get in and out of them. Even the one that I wound up purchasing is going to require someone to help me get one of my arms out. I am 100% serious about this. LOL.

Luckily, I went into a Cycle Gear near the end of the day during the week and the store was empty and the employees were available. I also got luck that the guy who helped me out was familiar with the ins and outs of the one piece suit and was super helpful. Usually when I go into a Cycle Gear, I don't want/need employees help, but this guy (Trevor) was awesome!

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