New To Buell....and motorcycles

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Jun 28, 2017
Hey everyone!! new to motorcycles in general.I was lucky enough to find a great deal on my dream bike a 2003 buell xb9s.Its my first motorcycle and I has a few general questions.

1-Do these bikes have common known issues I should look out for ?? (my bike has 21k on it for miles)

2-Where the hell do I get parts ?? tried but not sure if thats a legit spot of not.

Thanks in advance !!!
This guy is awesome. Not the cheapest game in town, but probably one of the most valuable.

Keep him in business, so you can keep riding.

These bikes have all kinds of issues, but so does any 15 year old high performance motorcycle. Lots of good people on here who are willing to help, if youre willing to follow their advice.

1. Get a dongle and ecmdroid so you can read codes
2. Check and clean your grounds
3. Please use the search function, even straight up Google. Many people have come before you and asked the same questions. That advice has likely been given out MULTIPLE TIMES over the years.
4. Download a copy of the service manual from

These bikes are pretty hardy and reliable, but over time, parts need replaced and a lot of owners would rather just "install a race map" rather than address leaky intake seals, bad grounds, etc.
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Like Cooter said...welcome both of you! And...don't forget the pics!

jfreeman - you've probably already taken a motorcycle safety course but if not I'd highly recommend it. IMHO it is important for all of us to continue to refresh our skills and get additional training as there is always something new to learn. But, that's especially true for new motorcyclists (or for those like me who were away from bikes for a long time and then came back). It's a great sport and a great bike you got! Enjoy! :D :up:
Thanks for the welcome !! I used to order a few parts thanks for the recommendation casual_observer much appreciated ,I was starting to worry i'd never find parts for the bike (just needed some shifter rubber) I'm taking my safety class in August.Something I have noticed about the bike is when using the front brake the brake lever seems to pulsate slightly as if the rotor were warped ? could this just be a brake fluid issue or should I check something else ??
Thanks again i'm really glad i joined this forum everyone seems very helpful !!