New to buell help me!

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Aug 21, 2012
Hello i am new to the buell world and need some help or clarification. I just got a 05 xb 12r it has a buell race ecm and what the guy told me was a vortex buell exhaust? It has two outlets if that means anything and a K&N filter. Now all my previous bikes were metric rockets and i know this is not but i was under the impression it would have more power. In no gear will this bike pick the front tire up on its own and if you grab a handfull of clutch and try it it will pick up about 3" cough and you smack your nutz on the airbox[confused]. Douring normal riding it seems to run ok and is fun around corners is this just the nature of the beast or do i have some issues??
I am pretty new to the buell family also, but my 04 xb12s will pull the front wheel in 1st on accident. I am not the wheelie riding type, so I have never tried with the clutch, but it will pull in 1st gear. A lot of knowledge on this site, someone will chime in that can help you.
definitely needs to be tuned up. best way to do this is to get an ecm spy cable, download the free ecm spy program. and shell out the bucks for the Tuniversity.
need to see whats going on inside there.

the muffler you have if its indeed a buell muffler, its generally known as a buell race muffler.
well i purchased the cable i needed to be able to program the ecm and it came with ecm spy. I first tried to just reset my tps and then the bike ran ****** i rode it for a couple of miles at 3000 rpm like someone told me and it was no better, so i then pulled my tune and installed a new race tune and the bike is back to how it was originally may be a little faster but still will not pick the tire up. if you nail the throttle in first it will basicly shut the bike off and the proceed to buck and snort until you let off the same thing happens if you dump the clutch. I called my local harley dealer and the refuse to work on any buell`s nice since harley sold them and my title says HD on it. I would like to be proud to own an american bike but the its getting hard. dose anyone have any other sugestions for me????
Hi Strokerz429,
Since we don't know any history on the bike, you might have to start with the basics. Do some sanity checks such as condition of the spark plugs, dirty or clogged air filter, a fresh tank of gas, etc.

Is the exhaust clean? Any black smoke when you nail the throttle?

Does it otherwise run ok, except for when you blip the throttle in attempt to do a wheelie?
ok here is the history that i know the air filer is a k&n and is clean fresh gas i have not checked the plugs because it runs fine as log as you do not try go on and off had to get it to pull, and ther is no smoke black or white. 13k on the bike and it dose run and have good pull during normal conditions.
History doesn't help. You already told us about the K&N, if it's dirty, it will bog.

We know it has plugs, it's running. If they're fouled, the bike will bog.

Clutch set? If not, it will bog.

Youtube videos will tell you that this bike will loop the rider so take it that bogging is not normal.

"Blipping the throttle" like a 4 will bog.

Most bog things will trigger the check engine light. Air leaks will not. Have a look. Worn plug cables will not trigger a CEL, check them out.
ok sorry the filter is clean and new. ill pull the plugs in the morning and get some new ones. i got one check engine light when i reset the tps it was for an o2 always lean but that was when it ran ****** after i reprogramed it it whent away. ill check the wires but i do not belive it is a missfire type of situation being it runs so well any other time it is almost like ther is a inertia switch that cuts the fuel
Inertia switch: I'm wondering if it simply the difference between engine types. A sudden opening on these bikes will bog the engine simply because of the air movement inertia. It's not at all like a multi cylinder in that respect.

What happens when you're already at 3500 and do a sudden throttle twist?

Mine had a bit of midrange bog that created an acceleration that went to about 120 kkmh and then needed another twist to get to the next stage. Tightening the throttle body to head manifold changed that completely to a smooth 0-160.
I found this engine had an almost two stroke nature.

It's a pretty narrow powerband running from around 3000 to around 4500.

Where you really want a six-speed, you've really only got a four-speed since first is so low.

Fortunately, that works in real life most of the time.

For racing, you'd have to go to chain just to get the sprocket/gearing choices.
ok i think this is starting to go the wrong way from what my concern is Ill try to word this different the issue is that if i blerp the throttle hard as if to pick up the front tire the bike more or less shuts off until you let off it dose not bog it just plane goes to off the same thing happens if you dump the clutch it is like the sudden jerk make it shut down
Hi Strokerz, it makes me think of a test I saw in the service manual. It's called a the wiggle test. With the engine running at idle, you wiggle the wiring/ECM harnesses. It's a long shot but seems easy enough to try. There's more to the test, but it's an idea.
New symptom i just got it to cut out like the rev limiter @ 3500 in first and then at 4500 in second if i go easy on it it will run all the way up