Hey everybody!
My name is Taylor. I am In Western Washington.
I just recently picked up my First Buell!
Its a XB9R. I Have owned a Kawa EX500 (First Bike) - Than a 05 GSXR600.
It has been a couple years sence i have owned a bike and I love being able to ride.
I do have a few question about maintained/ and a couple problems I am having with the bike.
First off,
Maintained: Oil Changes - What Kind of Oil and where do i get the filter i should use for her?
next, My speedo sensor is gone. How do I go about replacing/Fixing this issue?
and lastly, When I ride, I feel/hear something rubbing/scraping below the bike, It sounds almost plasticy. Does not sound like metal . It sounds like plastic rubbing against the ground. There is nothing Visiually hitting the ground. I fear this is something major. But I am not sure.
My Bike isnt Perfect. It was laid down by the previous owner, Was Rattle Canned painted... So I am going to fix that soon. and fix the other little issues. Like the tail light not working and Needing a left side blinnker.
My name is Taylor. I am In Western Washington.
I just recently picked up my First Buell!
Its a XB9R. I Have owned a Kawa EX500 (First Bike) - Than a 05 GSXR600.
It has been a couple years sence i have owned a bike and I love being able to ride.
I do have a few question about maintained/ and a couple problems I am having with the bike.
First off,
Maintained: Oil Changes - What Kind of Oil and where do i get the filter i should use for her?
next, My speedo sensor is gone. How do I go about replacing/Fixing this issue?
and lastly, When I ride, I feel/hear something rubbing/scraping below the bike, It sounds almost plasticy. Does not sound like metal . It sounds like plastic rubbing against the ground. There is nothing Visiually hitting the ground. I fear this is something major. But I am not sure.
My Bike isnt Perfect. It was laid down by the previous owner, Was Rattle Canned painted... So I am going to fix that soon. and fix the other little issues. Like the tail light not working and Needing a left side blinnker.